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白重恩教授1983年从中国科技大学数学系毕业,并获郭沫若奖。1988年获得加州大学圣地亚哥校区数学博士学位。1993年获得哈佛大学经济学博士学位。1992年工作后分别在波士顿学院经济系和香港大学经济金融学院任教。现为清华大学经济管理学院特聘教授、经济系主任。主要学术兼职包括清华大学中国经济研究中心、美国密西根大学William Davidson 研究所及美国哥伦比亚大学政策对话中心研究员,并担任国际杂志《比较经济学杂志》和《中国经济评论》编委,国内杂志《经济金融年刊》、《中国金融学》及《经济学(季刊)》编委或学术顾问。白重恩的研究工作既包括经济学的前沿研究,特别是对企业理论的研究,也包括经济学在中国经济实践中的应用,他的主要研究成果分别发表于《美国经济评论》(1999年5月期)、《兰德经济学杂志》、《国际经济学杂志》、《劳动经济学杂志》、《比较经济杂志》、《经济与管理战略杂志》、《欧洲经济评论》等高水平国际杂志上。白重恩与阮志华合编了由MIT出版社出版的《技术与新经济》论文集。白重恩教授还入选了清华大学“百人计划”。

Edited Volume
Technology and the New Economy. (co-edited with Chi-Wa Yuen; forwarded by Robert
Lucas Jr. and with contributions by Boyan Jovanovic and Peter Rousseau, Timothy
Bresnahan and Franco Malerba, Danny Quah, Jeffrey Sachs and John McArthur, and
Michael Woodford), MIT Press, 2002.

Revenue Sharing and Control Rights in Team Production: Theories and Evidence from
Joint Ventures. (with Zhigang Tao and Changqi Wu), Rand Journal of Economics,
Local Protectionism and Regional Specialization: Evidence from China''''''''s Industries.
(with Yingjuan Du, Zhigang Tao, and Sarah Tong), Journal of International Economics,
Uncertainty in Labor Productivity and Specific Human Capital Investment. (with Yijiang
Wang), Journal of Labor Economics, 21(3): 651-675, July 2003.
Thriving on a Tilted Playing Field: China’s Non-State Enterprises in the Reform Era, pp.
97-121 in Nicolas Hope, Dennis Tao Yang, and Mu Yang Li eds, “How Far Across the
River? Chinese Policy Reform at the Millennium,” Stanford University Press, 2003.
Financial Repression and Optimal Taxation. (with David Li, Yingyi Qian, and Yijiang
Wang), Economics Letters, 70(2): 245-251, February 2001.
A Multi-Task Theory of the State Enterprise Reform. (with David Li, Zhigang Tao, and
Yijiang Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics, 28(4): 716-738, December 2000.
Capital Structure and Product Market Strategy. (with Shan Li), Annals of Economics
and Finance, 1(2): 383-402, November 2000.
Contract Mixing in Franchising as a Mechanism for Public Good Provision. (with
Zhigang Tao), Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, 9(1): 85-113, Spring
The Myth of the East Asian Miracle: The Macroeconomic Implications of Soft Budgets.
(with Yijiang Wang), American Economic Review, 89(2): 432-37, May 1999.
Efficiency Losses from Tax Distortions vs. Government Control. (with Roger H. Gordon
and David Li), European Economic Review, 43(4-6): 1095-1103, April 1999.
Bureaucratic Control and the Soft Budget Constraint. (with Yijiang Wang), Journal of
Comparative Economics, 26(1): 41-61, March 1998.
The Soft Budget Constraint and Transition Economies: Introduction. Journal of
Comparative Economics, 26(1): 9-10, March 1998.
Earnings Profile and Monitoring under Asymmetric Information. Economics Letters
57(2): 219-225, December 1997.
Enterprise Productivity and Efficiency: When Is Up Really Down? (with David Li and
Yijiang Wang), Journal of Comparative Economics 24(3): 265-280, June 1997.
Hyperaccuracy of Bootstrap Based Prediction, (with Peter Bickel and Richard Olshen),
in Probability in Banach Spaces 7, Progress in Probability, Birkhauser, 1990.
Discussion of "Theoretical Comparison of Bootstrap Confidence Intervals,” by Peter
Hall, (with Richard Olshen), Annals of Statistics, 16, 1988.
Revise and Resubmit
Corporate Governance and Firm Valuations in China. (with Qiao Liu, Joe Lu, Frank M.
Song, and Junxi Zhang.)
Intragovernment Procurement of Local Public Good: A Theory of Decentralization.
(Revise and resubmit for Economics of Governance, with Yijiang Wang.)
Other Selected Working Papers
Bad News is Good News: Competition for the Control of China’s Troubled Firms. (with
Qiao Liu and Frank Song.)
Limiting Government Predation through Anonymous Banking: A Theory with Evidence
from China. (with David D. Li, Yingyi Qian, and Yijiang Wang, presented at AEA
Complementarity and Substitutability of Managerial Incentives: Theory and Evidence
from Chinese State-Owned Enterprises. (with Colin Xu, presented at the annual
conference of International Society for New Institutional Economics.)
Agency in Project Screening and Restrictions on Project Termination. (with Yijiang
Wang, presented at Harvard-MIT theory seminar, Econometric Society North American
Winter Meetings.)
A Perspective on Corruption and Financial Repression. (with Shang-Jin Wei.)
Why Do Group Incentives Work? Employee Ownership and Specific Human Capital
Investment. (with Chenggang Xu, presented at Harvard Organization Theory Seminar.)
Breach Remedies and Holdups with Breach Inducement. (with Zhigang Tao, presented at
the 2000 Taipei International Conference on Industrial Economics, the 1997 North
American Summer Meeting of the Econometric Society and the Harvard Organization
Theory Workshop.)
Franchising as a Nexus of Incentive Devices for Production Involving Brand Name. (with
Zhigang Tao, presented at Econometric Society North American Winter Meeting.)
State Predation and Contract Enforcement: Information Decentralization as a
Commitment Device. (with David D. Li, Yingyi Qian, and Yijiang Wang, presented at
AEA meetings.)
What Is Up Is Really Down: Evidence about Technical and Economic Efficiencies from
China. (with Yingjuan Du and Zhigang Tao.)

