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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

Call for Papers: The Seventh China Economics Annual Conference

Shenzhen(School of Business Shenzhen Graduate The Peking University & School Economics Shenzhen University)

  HongKong(School of Economics and Finance The University of Hong Kong)

China Center for Economic Research 302#
Peking University,Beijing 100871,PR.China
TEL;8610-62753098   Fax:0810-62754719

Email: cea@ccer.edu.cn

Date 2007/12/15-- 2007/12/16


The Seventh China Economics annual conference will be held at Shenzhen and HongKong(Branch meeting place) on December 15-16, 2007. The annual conference has been held six times in China since its inception. The first conference was held at Peking University in October, 2001, which attracted over 300 experts and scholars of economics from China and abroad. The  second, third, fourth , fifth conferences were held at Northwest University, Fudan University , Nankai University and Xiamen University respectively, The sixth conference was held at Wuhan University with a total of 400 participants and over 200 papers submitted for discussion.  The Conference has provided excellent exchange platform for Chinese economic studies, government departments as well as the media.

This year's Conference will consist of 20-25 sessions.  The topics are open for any theoretical or policy studies in all areas of economic studies.  Those wishing to submit papers, please do so before August 31, 2007by uploading an electronic version to http://www.efnchina.com/ceac as well as sending a printed version to the Office of the Secretary.  Also, please complete and return the attached EXCEL form to cea@ccer.pku.edu.cn  We do not accept already published papers as submissions.  The Office of the Secretary will choose papers anonymously by the review committee.

Conference Topics:

Macroeconomics   Microeconomics

Finance International Economics

Public Economics

Industrial Organization Theory

Health Economics

Labor / Population Economics

Institutional Economics

Law and Economics

Management Economics    

Educational Economics

Regional Economics    

Developmental Economics

Agricultural Economics      

Mathematical Economics

Political Economics     

History of Economic Theories

Economic History

Defense Economics

Welfare Economics     

Resource and Environmental Economics

Chinese Economic Reform 

Global Economic Research

Economic Education    Behavior Economics

Other Areas


The format of submitted papers should be as follows:

1.        Complete Text

2.        3-5 keywords

3.        200~ word English abstract

4.        Area of study on the front page

5.        Author's address, telephone and email on the last page


The Conference will continue its discussion of problems in China's economy, with the experience of a committee of economics department chairs, and encourage publishers to attend the conference to find opportunities for teaching materials and publishable works.  The Conference will also have a job fair as usual.

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