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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

Lingnan University,Academics Departments

  Being small and residential, our mission is to provide the best liberal arts education for our students with the dual purpose of whole-person development and professional training. Most of our programmes adopt an integrated and multi-disciplinary approach. We also emphasize campus life and community service. "Education for Service" is indeed our motto. The aim of our education is to produce persons or to be more exact whole-persons and not just workers. What we give our students is wisdom and not just skills, which in any case should include social and communication skills. 1999 is a very important year in the history of Lingnan. We gained university title in July. But equally important were the significant reforms we undertook in administrative structure and academic governance. We also introduced new programmes in cultural studies and risk management and insurance. Lingnan University is now ready to inaugurate a new era of liberal arts education in the region.

Prof. Edward K Y Chen
Location: Tuen Mun, Hong Kong
Tel: 2616 7191
Fax: 2891 7940
Homepage: http://www.ln.edu.hk/main/acads/

