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University of Arizona, Tucson,Economics Department

  The Department of Economics is home to 26 faculty members. We offer a diverse set of courses to both undergraduates and graduate students. Our programs cover standard fields such as micro and macro theory, econometrics, labor, industrial organization, international trade, and development economics. In addition we offer courses in economic history and experimental economics. Both students and faculty have access to the state-of-the-art computer facilities of the Economic Science Laboratory. Faculty members are engaged in a variety of research projects at the frontiers of their fields.
         The strength of the Department of Economics is representative of the overall academic quality of the University of Arizona. Because of its research endeavors, the University of Arizona is ranked 12th among public universities and 21st among all universities in the Country by the Carnegie Foundation on Higher Education.

The Economics doctoral program at Arizona prepares students for positions in universities, in the private sector, and in government and non-profit organizations. Students work closely with faculty, and most students receive financial support for their entire residency in the department.

The Department's faculty has long been among the world's best in experimental economics and in economic history. The Department also maintains a strong focus on microeconomics, particularly industrial organization and labor economics.

Some of our students choose a concentration in financial economics, and we offer a Ph.D. in agricultural and resource economics in conjunction with the Department of Agricultural and Resource Economics.

Faculty-student interaction.

The Department encourages extensive faculty-student interaction by maintaining a relatively small doctoral program and by selecting students whose interests are consistent with our faculty members' research.

This faculty-student interaction generally leads to productive research collaborations: nearly every student who has received a Ph.D. in the Department has written articles jointly with one or more of the Department's faculty members.


Our doctoral students consistently win awards for their research and their teaching. The American Agricultural Economics Association named the dissertation of one of our recent graduates, Kurt Schnier, the outstanding dissertation of 2003. Another recent graduate, Rebecca Holmes, was awarded the 2004 Nevins Prize for the year's best Ph.D. dissertation in American Economic History. Sam Allen was awarded the 2005 John Heinz Dissertation Award by the National Academy of Social Insurance for the best American dissertation on social insurance. Several students have recently been awarded NSF Dissertation Improvement grants and grants from the Sloan Foundation and the Russell Sage Foundation.

What if you haven't majored in economics?

Not all students who enter our doctoral program have majored in Economics as undergraduates. We encourage applications from mathematics majors, engineering majors, and students whose undergraduate majors were in the physical and biological sciences.

These students often discover that the professional opportunities and salaries in economics surpass those afforded by their undergraduate fields of study, and that their work is often more interesting and challenging, as well.

For additional information on the prerequisites, structure, and opportunities of our doctoral program, take a look at the Program Essentials page or contact the Department’s Graduate Coordinator, Director of Graduate Admissions or Director of Graduate Studies:

Location: Tucson, Arizona (United States)
Postal: McClelland Hall 401, The University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ 85721
Email: econ@info-center.ccit.arizona.edu
Tel:  (520) 621-6224
Fax:  (520) 621-8450
Homepage: http://w3.arizona.edu/~econ

