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University of Alaska, Fairbanks,Department of Economics

  The department offers undergraduate BA and BBA degrees and a minor in Economics, as well as an MS in Resource Economics. In addition, the department offers a variety of courses in support of thirteen degree programs spread through seven Schools and Colleges.
    The BBA in Economics is designed for undergraduate business and accounting majors who wish to develop a second area of specialization in economics. The BA in Economics is directed towards students intent on graduate studies in Economics, Business, Resource Management, Public Policy, or Law. The MS in Resource Economics provides students with a firm basis in economic theory with a focus on the natural resources that form the base of Alaska''s economy. Elective courses and thesis research permit students to individually tailor their studies. Recent graduates have focused on fisheries, wildlife, forestry, petroleum, and amenity resources. The Economics Department is within the School of Management which is fully accredited by the American Assembly of Collegiate Schools of Business (AACSB).

Economics Degree Program

Economics studies how society allocates scarce resources to alternative ends. In a market economy the allocation of resources results primarily from individual decisions though markets and so economics studies how markets work. But in a more general sense, economics studies how individuals make choices and decisions. Having an understanding of basic economics not only enables you to better understand the world around you, but also helps you make better decisions in your business, in your household or in the voting booth. Studying economics does not provide a set of ready-made answers for every problem but does provide you a systematic way to analyze problems and formulate the best solutions.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks offers students a choice of two undergraduate degrees in Economics. A Bachelor of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts are available through the School of Management. The availability of two separate degrees allows economic students the opportunity to pursue the curriculum that best pertains to their interests and career aspirations.

Click here for BA Economics Degree Requirements
Click here for BBA Economics Degree Requirements

Economics provides a logical way of looking at a variety of problems. The study of economics covers topics ranging from making sound business decisions to tackling some of society's most challenging issues. It is not possible to completely understand business decisions, politics, social reforms, or international relations without an understanding of their economic bases.

The faculty members of the Program of Economics have specialized backgrounds in many areas: economic analysis of societal concerns such as inflation and national output, and the problems of individual companies and consumers, public finance, economic history, econometrics and forecasting, industrial organization, money and banking, international economics, urban and regional economics, labor, microeconomics, oil and energy economics and fisheries economics.

The University of Alaska Fairbanks offers students a choice of two undergraduate degrees in Economics. A Bachelor of Business Administration and a Bachelor of Arts are available through the School of Management. The availability of two separate degrees allows economic students the opportunity to pursue the curriculum that best pertains to their interests and career aspirations.

Undergraduate Program Director:
  Michael Pippenger »

Economics Program Faculty:
  Greg Goering »
  Joshua A. Greenberg »
  Mark Herrmann »
  Joseph Little »
  Doug Reynolds »
  Branka Valcic »

Check this out!
  Economic tutorial »

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  Business Administration Degree Program »
  Economics Degree Program »

Location: Fairbanks, Alaska
Postal: Academic Advising Center
P.O. Box 756400
University of Alaska Fairbanks, Alaska 99775
Tel: (907) 474-6396
Homepage:  http://www.uafsom.com/edegree.html

