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University of Central Arkansas,Department of Economics & Finance

Department of Economics, Finance, and
Insurance & Risk Management
Faculty & Staff:
Friends of EFIRM

McNew Lectureship in Banking
for more information or to make a contribution in Dr. McNew's honor, contact:

Bart Shaw
501.852.2817 or
Dr. Mike Casey

Dr. Ben McNew's bio.

Tim Bisping's article "A Further Inquiry into the Scholarly Productivity of Academic Accountants: Twenty Years of Evidence from the Classes of 1980-82" accepted for publication. Click the article title to read an abstract.

Foreign Corrupt Practices Act - Antibribery Provisions

Alex Fayman will be presenting a paper at the Financial Management Association Annual Meeting on October 14th, 2007. The title of the paper is "Banks, IPOs, Dividends, and Takeovers".

Noel Campbell articles:
Did Caplan Catch a Leviathan? In press, (Fall 2007), Southern Economic Journal Co-authored with R. Zachary Finney and David T. Mitchell, both of the Mitchell College of Business, University of South Alabama.

The Black Box: Unraveling Business Succession, New England Journal of Entrepreneurship (Fall 2007) Co-authored with Kirk C. Heriot, Crowley Chair of Entrepreneurship, D. Abbott Turner College of Business, Columbus State University, and Dianna H. B. Welsh, James W.Walter Distinguished Chair of Entrepreneurship, Sykes College of Business, University of Tampa

State Fiscal Policy, Political Competition, and Small Business Creation, Journal of Private Enterprise, (Spring 2007) Co-authored with Tammy M. Rogers, University of Central Arkansas

R. Zachary Finney, Jason E. Lueg, and Noel Campbell (Accepted for publication) “And the Last Shall Be First? Market-Entry Timing, Resource Management, and Firm Performance,” Journal of Business Research.

Dr. Victor A. Puleo, Jr., CFP ®, assistant professor of insurance and risk management in UCA's College of Business, has accepted an invitation to serve as the Editor of the Risk Management Section Newsletter, a quarterly professional publication of the Society of Financial Service Professionals (FSP). This is a two-year appointment. His responsibilities as Editor include determining the general direction of the newsletter and soliciting and reviewing articles for inclusion in the newsletter. The Risk Management Section Newsletter is read by over 3,000 members of the Society of Financial Service Professionals. Dr. Puleo's two-year term begins with the October 2007 edition.

Dr. Victor A. Puleo, Jr., CFP®, assistant professor of insurance and risk management in UCA's College of Business, presented a paper titled, "Financial Planning Internships: An Analysis of For-Credit Internships at CFP Board Certified Undergraduate Programs," at the 2007 CFP Program Directors Conference in Seattle. Over 160 dedicated financial planning educators, including CFP Board staff and Board of Directors members, attended the conference. The conference provided presentations and discussions on all aspects of providing a quality financial planning program, as well as updates on the status of CFP® certification in the U.S. and around the world. The paper is co-authored with John Bratton, a professor of insurance and risk management at UCA, and Nancy Scott, who received her MBA from UCA's College of Business in 2007.

Victor A. Puleo, Jr., CFP®, assistant professor of insurance and risk management in UCA's College of Business, was selected as an Exam Content Specialists to work alongside the Council on Examinations to review all the questions and cases proposed for the November 2007 CFP® Certification Examination. CFP Board's CFP® Certification Examination requires full integration of knowledge covered in CFP Board's 89-subject financial planning topic list and is designed to evaluate one's ability to apply a comprehensive understanding of financial planning to real-life financial planning situations. Score results for the July 2007 CFP® Certification Examination were recently released to exam takers. The 2-day, 10-hour exam was conducted at 50 sites nationwide. 1,180 (51 percent) of the 2,307 individuals who sat for the exam in July received a passing mark. Over 55,000 professionals in the U.S. hold the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification. The CFP Board is the professional regulatory organization for those who hold the CERTIFIED FINANCIAL PLANNER™ certification."

Department Resources

Insurance & Risk Management Info


Course Descriptions
Insurance & Risk Managment
Student Organization
Gamma Iota Sigma
Students in Free Enterprise (SIFE)
International Trade Association

About Us...

The department of Economics, Finance, Insurance and Risk Management (EFIRM) houses degrees in economics (BA, BS, and a BBA with international trade concentration), finance, general business, insurance and risk management, and personal financial planning. Each respective major offers unique career opportunities for our graduates as we work hard to prepare these students for their futures. You can find more detailed information on each major by prowling around on this website or by contacting the department chair, Dr. Mike Casey.

For more information click on these links:

Who majors in Economics?

Why study Finance?

Insurance and Risk Management




