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Cochise Community College, Douglas,Department of Economics

  Douglas Campus
  The Department of Technology and Business at Cochise College offers introductory classes in both microeconomics and macroeconomics. Successful completion of an undergraduate degree in economics prepares a student for careers in business or government and for advanced education. Economics students can develop expertise in monetary policy and financial institutions, international trade and finance, labor and industrial relations, environmental and natural resource economics, government expenditures and taxation, economic history, and a variety of other fields.
  A degree in economics is attractive to employers because it provides a thorough understanding of our economic system and allows the flexibility to tailor your education to your career plans. In addition, a degree in economics is also excellent preparation for a variety of graduate degrees, as well as for professional degrees in business or law.

Location: Douglas, Arizona
Email: mappe@cochise.cc.az.us
Tel: (520) 364-0293
Fax: (520) 364-0384
Homepage: http://c3po.cochise.cc.az.us/econ

