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University of Dallas,Department of Economics


Department of Economics

"Economics is not confined to the 'materialistic' aspects of human existence. It applies to all aspects of human existence, for the process of exchange is the nexus between the thoughts and values of human beings, and economics is the study of exchange."


Majoring in Economics


Economics is the study of those aspects of individual and social life that affect and are affected by scarcity. Economists are concerned with the principles and practices of individual and collective planning and decision making in the face of scarce material and temporal resources. The main object of economic studies is to reach an understanding of that part of social systems organized around the process of exchange, and known as the market economy.

Finance is the field that applies economic principles to the improvement of the processes that transfer money among businesses, individuals and governments.

The curriculum is designed to enable students to achieve a thorough grounding in economic theory; to understand the methods and insights of the economic way of thinking; to explore the intellectual history of economics; to learn the economic history of western civilization; and, to gain a specialized understanding of those aspects of contemporary economics that are of most interest to them.

The American Economic Association Website for Prospective Economics Majors

Major in Economics



Economics 1311, 3312, 3320, 3327, 3329, 3340, 4325, 4326, 4359 and two additional upper-level courses. The Economics major is encouraged to follow the option of taking two mathematics courses and one arts course. Students intending to pursue graduate study in Economics should include calculus in their program, and may find a double major in Economics and Mathematics desirable. Consult department faculty for advice concerning mathematics studies.

Year I

Semester I

Economics 1311: 3
English 1301: 3
History 1311: 3
Language 1301 (or 2311): 3
Mathematics: 3
Total Hours: 15

Semester II

English 1302: 3
History 1312: 3
Language 1302 (or 2312): 3
Philosophy: 3
Mathematics: 3
Total Hours: 15

Year II

Economics 3312: 3
English 2311-2312: 6
History 2301-2302: 6
Philosophy 2323: 3
Theology 1310, 2311: 6
Language 2311, 2312 or electives: 6-8
Total Hours: 30-32

Year III

Semester I

Economics 3320: 3
Economics 3327: 3
Philosophy 3311: 3
Science: 3
Art, Drama, or Music: 3
Total Hours: 15

Semester II

Economics 3329: 3
Economics 3340: 3
Politics 1311: 3
Science: 3
Elective: 3
Total Hours: 15

Year IV

Semester I

Economics 4325:3
Economics elective: 3
Philosophy elective: 3
Electives: 6
Total Hours: 15

Semester II

Economics 4326:3
Economics elective: 3
Economics 4359:3
Electives: 6
Total Hours: 15

Comprehensive Examination (Required for Both Majors)

The required comprehensive examination is given early in the last semester of the senior year. It consists of two mandatory written sections. Students failing either or both of the parts of the examination are offered an opportunity to retake the failed section(s) during the final week of classes.


Majoring in Economics & Finance

The curriculum is designed to prepare students planning graduate studies in finance. Consisting of courses in the theory of finance, as well as in economics, it is designed for the liberal arts and sciences student with an interest in the field of finance. It provides a foundation in economics and the allied field of financial theory, coupled with courses in those specializations that either bridge both fields of study or are tools used in financial analysis.

Basic Requirements for Major

Economics 1311, 3312, 3320, 3322, 3327, 3328, 3330, 3340, 4325 or 4326, 4337, 4338, 5368. Internship highly recommended. The Economic and Finance major is encouraged to follow the option of taking two mathematics courses and one arts course. Students intending graduate studies in Finance should include calculus in their program.

Suggested Sequence for the Bachelor of Arts in Economics and Finance

Year I

Semester I

Economics 1311: 3
English 1301: 3
History 1311: 3
Language 1301 (or 2311): 3
Total Hours: 15

Semester II

English 1302: 3
History 1312: 3
Language 1302 (or 2312): 3
Philosophy: 3
Total Hours: 15

Year II

Economics 3312: 3
English 2311-2312: 6
History 2301-2302: 6
Philosophy 2323: 3
Theology 1310, 2311: 6
Language 2311, 2312 or electives: 6-8
Total Hours: 30-32

Year III

Semester I

Economics 3320: 3
Economics 3322: 3
Economics 3327: 3
Philosophy 3311: 3
Science: 4
Total Hours: 16

Semester II

Economics 3328: 3
Economics 3340: 3
Politics 1311: 3
Science: 3
Art, Drama, Music: 3
Total Hours: 15

Year IV

Semester I

Economics 4325: 3
Economics 4337: 3
Economics 3330: 3
Philosophy elective: 3
Electives: 3
Total Hours: 15

Semester II

Economics 4338: 3
Economics 5368: 3
Economics 4557: 3
Electives: 6
Total Hours: 15

Comprehensive Examination (Required for Both Majors)

The required comprehensive examination is given early in the last semester of the senior year. It consists of two mandatory written sections. Students failing either or both of the parts of the examination are offered an opportunity to retake the failed section(s) during the final week of classes.



