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Fairmont State College,School of Business and Economics

  Economics analyzes business decisions, social problems, public policy issues, and consumer activity. Knowledge of economics helps one to understand people抯 actions and interactions as they make choices, based on comparing costs and benefits, from the opportunities available to them. Corporate CEO抯, public officeholders, journalists, retirees, and shoppers use economic insights for daily decisions as well as comprehending the news headlines.

  If you are curious about price changes, plant locations, international trade developments, business cycle fluctuations, sales forecasts or a myriad of other experiences, consider a major in economics. An understanding of economic theory and principles and how they can be applied to explain economic phenomena will prepare you for careers in business, government, education, public issues,
research, journalism, entrepreneurship, and law. The School of Business and Economics offers a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a major in economics. It requires 51 credit hours of courses within the School of Business and Economics. Our students develop skills which prepare them to succeed in the job market as well as in graduate and professional schools. If you have selected another major, you might choose economics as a minor. An intensive study of economics will provide a solid foundation for your career, citizenship, and family life.


