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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

Gettysburg College,Department of Economics

  The academic program in economics at Gettysburg College, in its formal course offerings and through numerous informal contacts between faculty and students, opens the door for both groups to exciting oppotunities. These opportunities provide for intellectual growth: for developing the skills of thinking and writing critically about important social and personal issues, for participating in the wonderful conversation of economics and for understanding better how humans organzize to address economic and social problems. In this booklet, the economics will be described via information concerning the personal and professional value of training in the departmental disciplines; the courses offered in economics, statistics and geography; the major and minor in economics; awards and honors in economics; special academic and co-academic opportunities in the department, as reflected in the associates program; off-campus study opportunities and the faculty and staff of the department.

  A student may satisfy the College distrubtion requirement in social scienes by successfully completing Economics 103-104, or an upper-level economics course and may satisfy the non-Western Culture requirement with Economics 326, 327 or 338.


