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Gonzaga University,Department of Economics

  The study of economics provides the student a means of specializing in a social science while at the same time acquiring knowledge and skills useful for a business-related career. Organizations of all types increasingly recognize the importance of having personnel who possess a broad background knowledge in economics, and economists occupy a wide range of positions in profit and non-profit enterprises as well as in government. Economics is also highly recommended for pre-law students. Economics courses may be taken in order to satisfy the social science core requirement of the College of Arts and Sciences. Most 300-level courses require only ECON 101 as a prerequisite.

  The College of Arts and Sciences in cooperation with the School of Business Administration offers a program leading to a Bachelor of Arts degree with a major in Economics. The courses in the major field are given by the faculty of the School of Business Administration, but students are enrolled in the College of Arts and Sciences and must fulfill its degree requirements. Students must earn at least 104 credits from departments in the College of Arts and Sciences (including Economics).

  All majors must register for a comprehensive examination (ECON 499) in their fourth year. Students expecting to go into a business field are encouraged to take courses in accounting. Students expecting to pursue graduate study in economics are encouraged to take calculus through MATH 259 and additional courses in statistics.


