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Guilford College,Department of Economics

  When most people think of economics two things usually come to mind: horrific images of mathematical equations and anxious thoughts of our tax system. For those who believe they have nothing to do with economics, this area of study conjures up nightmares of graphs, federal fiscal policy (including that monstrous deficit), and seemingly impossible problems such as welfare and Social Security. Little do they know that everyone interacts with our economy on a daily basis. Economic policies and conditions subtly (and sometimes not so subtly) impact our lives.


To get an environmentalist to understand clean-up costs--you need economics!
-John Fero

Integrative Studies Major


  The economics department at Guilford strives to educate students about their economy and about the economies of other countries. In studying economics, one can gain an understanding of how the government implements fiscal policy to ameliorate threatening conditions, such as rising unemployment or inflation, and for what our tax money is used. Economics is not an illusive study of far-away theories and equations. In fact, economics helps many industries decide how to use scarce resources, how to finance programs, and what salaries or wages to pay their employees. Economics is also intertwined with political and social issues through out society.

  The economics program at Guilford offers numerous exciting and interesting classes to enhance a student's understanding of their surrounding economy and its impact on our lives. The economics major equips students with the ability to analyze complex forces at work in society. The major also provides rigorous training in analytical thinking, creative problem solving, designing and undertaking research projects, and effectively communicating results both orally and in written form. Studies in economics enables a student to clarify issues of human values and perspectives that lie at the heart of public policy. Economics provides students with many valuable skills to be taken into a wide variety of careers.


