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The George Washington University,Department of Economics

  Welcome to the Department of Economics at the George Washington University. As part of the Columbian School of Arts and Sciences, the department offers an undergraduate economics major leading to either a Bachelor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree in economics. Qualified undergraduate students may also apply
to several joint degree programs that lead to the receipt of both a Bachelor of Science degree in economics, and a Master degree in Economics, Engineering Management, or Operations Research in five-years. Our graduate program offers both the M.A. and the Ph.D. in Economics.

  Our location in the heart of the nation capital provides many unique employment and research opportunities to both our graduate and undergraduate students. Both our undergraduate economics majors and graduate students have
gone on to successful careers in academic, business, and government settings. Our faculty enjoy a national reputation for their scholarly contributions to a wide range of areas in economics, including macro- and micro- economic theory, econometrics, economic development, economies in transition, environmental economics, industrial organization, international trade and finance, labor economics, public finance, and regional and urban economics.

Department of Economics
624 Funger Hall
2201 G Street, NW
Washington, DC 20052
Phone: (202) 994-6150
Fax: (202) 994-6147


