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Hartwick College,Department of Economics

   Hartwick students who choose to major in Economics first build a solid foundation in traditional economic theory. Further work applies these principles of economic thought to a wide range of contemporary issues, including: environmental concerns, the prominence of international and development economics, as well as the inner workings of diverse institutions such as poverty and welfare programs, and securities and financial markets. Off-campus study, whether through an internship or by way of our study abroad programs, is actively promoted to help students address these issues directly. Finally, the senior year culminates in extensive research on a specific issue each student believes has considerable importance in economic society.

  Complemented by the Hartwick liberal arts education, economics majors learn to appreciate the political, historical, social and psychological discoveries which influence developments within the discipline. Likewise, students in other disciplines frequently explore their particular interests within the economics department. Departmental offerings consequently emphasize learning styles particularly valued at Hartwick: student as researcher, learning-by-doing, peer-mentoring, and the close trust required in forming working and personal relationships among faculty and students.

  Students who earn the B.A. in Economics are prepared for careers in a variety of fields. Recent graduates have put their knowledge to work in businesses, federal and state government agencies, the Federal Reserve, securities and commodity trading, international banking and lobbying. Others have pursued graduate degrees in Economics, M.B.A, and advanced study in law, public policy and education. Regardless of their career choices, Hartwick Economics majors typically reach beyond narrow disciplinary specialization to personal and professional lives that embrace the challenges of rapid social change.


