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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

The University of Iowa,Economics


Thank you for your interest in graduate study in economics at The University of Iowa. Our Ph.D. program is relatively small, with all the advantages small programs offer--an open and friendly environment and low student-faculty ratio. In addition, nearly all our Ph.D. students are supported through fellowships or research or teaching assistantships for four years. Stipends are competitive with any graduate program in the country.

Perhaps most important, our attitude is right. The profession is only beginning to recognize the gains made in our department over the last several years. We know that the best way to establish the stronger reputation we deserve is to improve the quality of education our graduate students receive. As a result, the faculty has a strong commitment to graduate student training and placement.

Following is a detailed description of our program. An undergraduate concentration in economics is not required, although prior exposure to economics is a factor in the admission decision. Admission prospects are also brighter for the student who has a strong aptitude in mathematics and has completed at least one year of calculus.

Should you have questions or need information about the department, you can contact Renea Jay, the graduate secretary, at 1-800-553-4692 (ask for extension 5-0830) or by e-mail: renea-jay@uiowa.edu



copied from  http://www.biz.uiowa.edu/economics/deptinfo.html

