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Loyola University,Sellinger School of Business and Management

  Economics is the study of mankind in the ordinary business of life."

  Alfred Marshall
  (1842 - 1924)

  Majoring in Economics at Loyola

  The economics department at Loyola is in the unique position of offering a Bachelor of Arts (B.A.) major in Economics in the College of Arts and Sciences and a Bachelor of Business Administration (B.B.A.) major in Business Economics in the Sellinger School of Business and Management.

  Minoring in Economics at Loyola

  Students pursuing majors in the College of Arts and Sciences may elect to earn a minor in Business Economics. This course of study requires EC 102, EC 103, EC 301 or EC 302, and three additional economics courses. These courses must be approved by the economics minor advisor.

  Career Opportunities
  The most basic and enduring strength of economics is that it provides a logical, ordered, quantitative way of analyzing numerous problems and issues. As a result, economics is widely recognized as a solid background for many jobs and professions. Many Loyola economics majors have applied their training to challenging jobs as economists, financial analysts, or managers in business or government. Some of our students have continued on to receive their Ph.D.s in economics and are now pursuing teaching and research careers. Other students have used economics to prepare for graduate study in related disciplines. Economics is an essential component of graduate work in other fields such as business management, public administration, law, and international affairs. Our students who have pursued graduate work in these areas attest to the value of their undergraduate economics training in enhancing their performance in their graduate professional programs.

  Student Life in the Economics Department
  In both the B.A. and the B.B.A. programs, students receive attention from a highly trained faculty experienced in the application of economics to social, business, and government issues. Internships in economics are available so that students can apply their classroom training to "real-world" problems and practices in a variety of organizations. In the classroom, economics students develop analytical capabilities, quantitative skills, and computer acumen that provide excellent preparation for business and government policy-making and the analysis of contemporary affairs. The Department has an active student-run club, the Adam Smith Society. The club sponsors speakers and social activities for students, faculty and alumni. Outstanding students are eligible for selection to Omicron Delta Epsilon, the international economics honor society.



  Tel: (410) 617-2357

