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Mecer University,Eugene W.Stetson School of Business and Economics

  Welcome to the web site of the Eugene W. Stetson School of Business and Economics at Mercer University!

  The School of Business and Economics (Macon Campus, Atlanta Campus) has armed its more than 3,800 graduates since 1978 with a "real world" orientation to corporate life. Our students participate in internships, gain hands-on experience via research projects commissioned from organizations, businesses and corporations, and directly benefit from the School’s many business partnerships. As a result, students leave their years of study well acquainted with the needs of potential employers and fully prepared to make an immediate contribution.

  With campuses located in Macon and Atlanta and programs at several off-campus sites, the School comprises an institution of far-reaching influence. Students benefit from a unique opportunity unheard of at most business schools: that of experiencing corporate life conducted in Atlanta, one of this country’s most dynamic international business centers, complemented by the community appeal afforded by a smaller, more close-knit business environment found in Macon.

  The bedrock of Mercer’s School of Business is its commitment to the liberal arts. Future business leaders of the 21st century will rely heavily upon essential skills only a strong liberal arts program can provide. In a society undergoing a technological revolution, the liberal arts legacy must be preserved.

  With global access in the classroom, a tradition of instructional excellence, a reputation for accessibility, and a commitment to our communities, the Eugene W. Stetson School of Business and Economics stands ready to prepare you for the business challenges of the 21st century.

 Carl Joiner
Dean, Eugene W. Stetson School of Business and Economics
Macon Campus, Atlanta Campus

Adress:Stetson School of Business and Economics
1400 Coleman Avenue
Mercer University
Macon, Georgia 31207
Phone:(912) 301-2990


