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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

Meredith College,Department of Business and Economics


      In today's economy, employers increasingly insist on employees who are both trained in the liberal arts and prepared to become productive employees. As head of the Department of Business and Economics, I view our department's role as building upon Meredith's strong liberal arts foundation by helping our students prepare for fulfilling and productive careers. This gives our students a tremendous competitive edge when entering the job market. Some examples of positions filled by our recent graduates are Financial Analyst at Wachovia, Staff Auditor at Ernst and Young, Human Resource Director at Maxim Healthcare Services, Administrative Specialist at Glaxo, Sales Representative at Pepsi, and Advertising Assistant at the News and Observer. We are a strong department with a talented faculty offering our students majors that prepare them for an exciting future. I hope you will come to my office in Harris 113 to discuss a plan of study that will best meet your career goals.


Telephone 760-8471
Fax 760-8470


