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Miami University,Department of Economics

  Individual consultation with members of the Economics Department in regard to choice of degree is encouraged, and students are strongly urged to visit their advisers to obtain academic career information early in their stay at Miami.  Economics majors are assigned alphabetically to a faculty adviser; however, individual requests for a particular adviser; however, individual requests for a particular adviser will be honored with faculty approval. Current adviser assignments are available from the departmental secretaries in 208 Laws. The individual student is responsible for meeting all the requirements of his/her degree and must take the initiative in contacting his/her adviser when help is needed. Even though self-reliance is an admirable trait, serious problems and many minor inconvenience can be eliminated by periodic visits to your adviser. In addition, students should regularly check their DARS (degree audit report) for updated graduation requirements.

  The Department of Economics is located in 208 Laws Hall. Dr. J.D. Ferguson (529-2836) is Chair; Dr. Nick Noble 219C Laws (529-6288) is Chief Departmental Adviser. The office is open 8:00 A.M. to 5:00 P. M. Monday through Friday, during the academic year. (Summer hours are from 7:30 A.M. to 4:30 P. M.) A departmental bulletin board is located in the hallway adjacent to the departmental office.

  Independent Studies (ECO 477, 1-5 credit hours) may be arranged with the concurrence of the prospective faculty supervisor and the Department Chair. Independent study is not normally permitted  in an area or field covered by a regular course offering and is offered only on a credit/no credit basis. Additional information may be obtained from Dr. Ferguson (529-2836).  

208 Laws Hall
phone: 513-529-2836
fax: 513-529-699


