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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

Missouri Western State College,Department of Business and Economics

Dr. Larry Lawson, Chairperson

  The Department of Business and Economics offers diversified programs which lead to a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration, or an Associate of Science degree in mid-management. Majors in specific areas provide academic preparation for careers in accounting, economics, management (emphases in Agribusiness, Finance, General Business, and Human Resources) and marketing. Students are exposed to a broad spectrum of basic business and economics courses and may specialize in a particular discipline to prepare for a career of their interest. The programs have been designed to provide the skills necessary to meet the needs of modern business and to insure adequate preparation for entry into graduate programs.

  Recognizing that business is challenging and ever-changing, the most modern tools of analysis are taught and the student is required to develop skills in utilizing these tools for decision-making. The highly qualified faculty of the Department of Business and Economics keeps a constant vigilance on curriculum and course content to make sure that a student will receive contemporary and relevant business knowledge. The faculty is committed to the doctrine that, while a description of current business practices will become aged quickly, there is no obsolescence in developing decision-making skills. A broad base of business knowledge is taught, but practice in decision-making is stressed.

  Each business major is assigned a faculty advisor in his/her area of interest. The faculty advisor is available to help the student make course and career choices. Close relationships are frequently formed between the aspiring business major and the faculty mentor which go beyond simple advice on class schedules. The advisor is concerned with the academic success of the student and is available to help the student over difficulties which occur during his/her academic career. Frequently the advisor can provide direction toward successful placement following completion of the program.

