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Montclair State University,College of Business, MSU-Bozeman

About the Department
  Economics is the study of how market and non-market institutions can best allocate relatively scarce resources to promote individual and social welfare. As such, it offers well-defined mechanisms for analyzing a wide array of theoretical and policy-oriented issues. Finance builds on the foundations of economics to provide students with a professional background in both corporate finance and investments. Together, the curriculum in economics and finance is designed to contribute to a broad-based liberal arts education by expanding a student's perception of the economic and financial decisions that individuals and societies must make under widely varying conditions. Strong emphasis is given to the development of skills in analytical reasoning, quantitative fluency, written and oral communications, as well as creative excellence.

  The department currently offers four undergraduate programs and a B.A./M.A. program in Applied Economics. The undergraduate programs are: the B.A. in Economics, the B.A. in Economics with a Concentration in Business, the B.S. in Business Administration with a Concentration in Economics, and the B.S. in Business Administration with a Concentration in Finance. In addition to preparing students for direct career experience in business, government and the professions, the program provides excellent preparation for graduate work in Economics, Finance, and in related disciplines. Departmental faculty also support the Concentration in Economics and the Concentration in Finance in Montclair State's M.B.A. program, as well as the Concentration in Economics in Montclair State's M.A. in Social Sciences. Given the active participation of Faculty in teaching, research, and community service, the undergraduate programs in Economics and Finance benefit from the skills of highly experienced professionals.

Partridge Hall
Montclair State University
Upper Montclair, New Jersey 07043
(973) 655-4303

