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University of Nevada, Las Vegas Economics Courses

ECO 104
Current Economic Issues
The analysis of current economic issues. Economic theories and concepts basic to the analysis of issues are introduced, explained, and applied. 3 credits.

ECO 150
Economics for Teachers
Specialized instruction in basic economic concepts with discussions of strategies and techniques dealing with the introduction of these concepts into the curricula of elementary and secondary schools. Prerequisite: Sophomore standing. 3 credits.

ECO 201
Principles of Macroeconomics
Introduction to the determination of levels of national income, employment and prices, and to the basic causes of fluctuations in these levels. 3 credits.

ECO 202
Principles of Microeconomics
An introduction to economic organization of society with emphasis on how markets and prices guide and direct economic activity. Throughout the course, economic analysis is applied to a wide range of contemporary issues. 3 credits.

ECO 261
Statistical Methods
Descriptive and inferential statistics for prediction and decision making, with managerial and economic applications. Includes probability theory and distributions, hypothesis testing and regression analysis. Prerequisite: MAT 124 or consent of instructor. MAT 132 recommended. 3 credits.

ECO 301
Intermediate Income Theory
An analysis of income, output, employment, and price level determination in a market economy. The role of fiscal and monetary policy in promoting stability and growth. Prerequisite: ECO 201 or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 302
Intermediate Price Theory
An analysis of the price mechanism, resources allocation, output composition, and income distribution in a market economy. Prerequisite: ECO 202 or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 303
Money and Banking
The nature of money. Determination of the quantity of money by the commercial banks, the Federal Reserve, and the United States Treasury. Intensive analysis of commercial banking, money, and capital markets, interest rate determination, the foreign sector, and banking. Prerequisites: ECO 201 and 202 or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 362
Statistical Analysis
Advanced statistical techniques, including multiple regression, the classical time series model, analysis of variance and non-parametric statistics. Prerequisite: ECO 261 or equivalent. 3 credits.

ECO 401
Topics in Macroeconomics
Extensions of macroeconomic analysis. Application of economic analysis to study macroeconomic phenomena. Implications for inflation, unemployment, growth, and the effectiveness of fiscal and monetary policy. Prerequisites: ECO 302 and MAT 124 or equivalent. 3 credits.

ECO 402
Topics in Microeconomics
Extensions of microeconomic analysis. Application of traditional microeconomic concepts to study economic phenomena. Emphasis on decision making in the public policy arena. Prerequisites: ECO 301 and MAT 124 or equivalent. 3 credits.

ECO 405
Comparative Economic Systems
An analysis of the economic institutions of capitalism and other economic systems. Prerequisites: ECO 201 and 202 or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 406
Urban and Regional Economics
Analysis of structure and functioning of economic activities in urban and non-urban areas including location and growth of cities and regions, inter- and intrametropolitan distribution of firms and residences, operation of land markets, planning local public services and urban fiscal problems. Prerequisites: ECO 201 and 202 or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 407
Environmental Economics
The economics of environmental quality and resource development. Consideration of public policies to account for environmental pollution to air, water, and land resources. Prerequisites: Six credits of economics to include ECO 202 or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 409
Resource Economics
Economics analysis of renewable and non-renewable resources. Examination of resource allocation across generations. Other topics include species extinction and conservation of resources. Emphasis on public policy alternatives. Prerequisites: Six credits of economics to include ECO 202, or the consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 434
Economic History of the United States
Origin and development of economic institutions including industry, agriculture, commerce, transportation, labor, and finance. Analysis of the economic progress of the United States. Prerequisites: Six credits of economics to include ECO 201. 3 credits.

ECO 440
Introduction to Mathematical Economics
Application of mathematics to economic analysis. Prerequisites: MAT 124, ECO 201, and ECO 202. 3 credits.

ECO 441
Introduction to Econometrics
Measurement of economic relationships, with stress upon the estimation of parameters of stochastic economic models. Prerequisites: ECO 201, ECO 202, and ECO 261, or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 442
History of Economic Ideas
Analysis of the ideas of the principal contributors to the development of economics. Prerequisites: Six credits of economics or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 451
Public Finance
Analysis of the financing and provision of public goods. Topics include: the nature of public goods, the choice regarding the level of public good provision, the incidence of taxes, and issues of tax equity. Prerequisites: ECO 201 and ECO 202, or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 454
Government and Business
General survey of government activities affecting business, with emphasis on the legal concepts of property and contract and such policies as antitrust regulation. Primary reference to the public utility industries. Prerequisites: Six credits of economics to include ECO 202, or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 455
Industrial Organization
Causes and implications of economic concentration and monopoly power. Comparison of alternative approaches to monopoly power in terms of social and economic goals. Prerequisites: Six credits of economics to include ECO 202 or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 458
International Economics
An analysis of the theory of international trade, balance of payments, commercial policies, international institutions and international economic integration. Prerequisites: ECO 201 and ECO 202, or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 459
Economic Development
Analysis of problems, principles, and policies of economic development. Case studies of selected countries. Prerequisites: Six credits of economics to include ECO 201, or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 460
International Monetary Relations
An examination of the theory and policies relating to past and present international monetary relations. A comprehensive view of contemporary monetary institutions and problems. Prerequisites: ECO 201 and ECO 202, or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 465
Labor and the Economy
Labor union history and organization; labor market analysis of wages, hours, employment and working conditions; collective bargaining and labor legislation. Prerequisites: Six credits of economics to include ECO 202, or consent of instructor. 3 credits.

ECO 466
Collective Bargaining and Public Policy
(Same as MGT 466.) A systematic discussion of the major labor problems confronting society. Problems relating to management and union, industrial conflicts, collective bargaining and legal environment are consi


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