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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

Northeastern State University,College of Business and Industry,Economics

  ECON 2113, Principles of Macroeconomics 3 hours
  ECON 2213, Principles of Microeconomics 3 hours
  Select 12 hours from the following: 12 hours
  ECON 3013, Money and Banking Total: 18 hours
  ECON 4413, Government and Business
  ECON 4513, Economic Development and Growth
  ECON 4633, International Economics and Trade
  ECON 4710, Special Topics
  GEOG 3133, Principles of Economic Geography
  POLS 4653, Public Finance and Budgeting
  Course listings:
  2113 Principles of Macroeconomics # 3 hours
  An introduction to modern macroeconomics. Topics considered include the causes of inflation and recession, national income accounts, employment levels, business ethics, banking and monetary theory, international commerce, economic development, and governmental tax and fiscal policy.
  2213 Principles of Microeconomics # 3 hours
  An introduction to modern microeconomic theory. Market structure and functioning, cost and supply relationships, consumer behavior, demand theory, product and resource pricing, revenue and profit relationships, business ethics, and international specialization and trade.
  3013 Money and Banking # 3 hours
  A historical approach from inception to current developments concerning legal, ethical, and political considerations in regard to commercial banking, thrifts, and the Federal Reserve System. A synthesis of domestic and international variables necessary for economic stabilization. Prerequisite: Econ 2113. (Dual listing as Finance 3013.)
  3113 Income and Employment Theory # 3 hours
  Macroeconomic theory of aggregate demand and supply based upon National Income accounting with emphasis upon economic growth, inflation, unemployment and international trade. Prerequisite: Economics 2113.
  3213 Price and Market Theory # 3 hours
  Microeconomic theory of consumer behavior, product demand, production relations and costs, supply and behavior of business firms, revenue and profit relationships market structure and functioning, price determination and income distribution are topics studied. Prerequisite: Economics 2213.
  3413 Public Finance # 3 hours
  The theory of fiscal policy with emphasis upon public expenditure, taxation, debt structure, and inter-governmental fiscal relations. Prerequisite Economics 2113 or permission of instructor.
  3513 Transportation # 3 hours
  Analysis and policy of the various modes of transportation in conjunction with the problems of regulatory agencies. Prerequisite: Economics 2213.
  3713 Economic History of the United States # 3 hours
  The economic transformation of the United States from an agricultural to an industrial nation. Socio-economic considerations of urbanization, technology, and mixed capitalism.
  3813 Comparative Economic Systems # 3 hours
  Comparative analysis of the economic theories and institutional structures of fascism, capitalism, socialism, and communism in relation to various nations. Prerequisite: Economics 2113.
  4113 History of Economic Thought # 3 hours
  Major schools of economic thought from the Feudal period to the present time. The principal authors in each school and the relationship of their ideas to present day economics. Prerequisites: Economics 2113 and 2213.
  4213 Labor Economics # 3 hours
  A comprehensive analysis of union organization and structure, union management relations, collective bargaining, labor markets, and public policy. Prerequisite: Economics 2213.
  4223 Manpower Analysis 3 hours
  Analysis of wages, labor force composition, skills, distribution of unemployment, mobility, personnel utilization, legislation, data sources, and forecasting methods. Prerequisite: Economics 2213.
  4313 Economic Fluctuations # 3 hours
  An intensive theoretical and analytical study of economic fluctuations from the macroeconomic and microeconomic perspective culminating with forecasting techniques. Additional consideration will be given to international implications and ethical considerations necessary for objective forecasting. Prerequisite: Econ 2113 and Econ 2213.
  4413 Government and Business # 3 hours
Public regulation of monopolistic and oligopolistic market structures and the effect upon the national and international economy. The interplay of economics, politics and business ethics will be examined. Prerequisite: Econ 2113 and Econ 2213.
  4513 Economic Development and Growth # 3 hours
  The theoretical and applied aspects of promoting economic development and growth among both high- and low-income nations. Prerequisite: Economics 2113.
  4533 The American Enterprise System # 3 hours
  The course provides an overview of the development of the American System and the capitalistic institutions and ideologies, private property, profit motive and enlightened self interest which have contributed uniquely to the growth and productivity of the American Enterprise system. The approach is non-technical, for the business major who desires an overview of past and future trends of American entrepreneurial ideology. (Dual listed as MGMT 4533)
  4613 Current Economic Problems # 3 hours
  A study of national and international problems such as poverty, monopoly and business concentration, population, labor, public debt, unemployment, foreign aid, etc. Junior standing or above. Econ 2113 or Econ 2213.
  4633 International Economics and Trade # 3 hours
  The theory and application of economic analysis to the sphere of the open economy. Emphasis placed upon United States trade patterns with various nations. Prerequisite: Economics 2113 and 2213.
  4710 Special Topics in Economics 1-4 hours
  Study of an economic topic of current or special interest.
  4913 Managerial Economics 3 hours
  The application of economic theory to business decision making; emphasis on profit objectives, demand and cost analysis and forecasting, capital budgeting, and business ethics. Prerequisite: Econ 2113, Econ 2213 and Junior Standing or above.

  Tel (918)458-2901
  Fax 458-2337
  If you have any questions please contact us by email or stop by the Practical Arts Building at Northeastern State University on the Tahlequah campus for a personal visit with one of our faculty members.

