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Northern Illinois University,Department of Economics

  The Department of Economics is an active teaching and research department. We offer both B.A. and B.S. undergraduate degrees as well as the M.A. and Ph.D. degrees in economics.
  Department of Economics:
  Graduate Degree Program


  The Department of Economics offers graduate programs leading to the degrees Master of Arts and Doctor of Philosophy. A procedures manual describing graduate programs in economics in greater detail is available from the department chair or the departmental director of graduate studies.
  Students who plan to pursue the graduate curriculum in economics should consult the departmental director of graduate studies before enrolling in course work. A student whose background in economics is deficient (in the judgment of the department's graduate committee) may be required to take additional course work at the undergraduate level.
  The Department of Economics participates in the concentration in Southeast Asian studies in which students seeking a Master of Arts degree are eligible to pursue. In addition, comparative economics, economics of development, government and industry, international economics, metropolitan problems, and industrial relations and human resource studies can be pursued by the selection of an interdisciplinary group of courses from certain departments including economics, history, management, and sociology. Students desiring additional information on these fields of study should contact one of the departments.
  Students whose primary interest is teaching in the primary or secondary schools can consider the Master of Science in Education with 12-15 semester hours in economics. A flexible program of courses accommodates students with backgrounds varying from no previous economic courses to a baccalaureate degree in economics. For additional information on this program, contact the coordinator of the Office for Economic Education or the coordinator of secondary education, Department of Curriculum and Instruction.


  Master of Arts
  The Master of Arts degree in economics is suitable either for students intending to pursue a Ph.D. in economics or for those who would like a practical program of study that would prepare them for technical or administrative positions in business or government.
  A total of 30 semester hours of graduate credit is required in the master's degree program in economics.
  The following constitute the core requirements for a Master of Arts in economics:
  ECON 490, Economic Statistics and Econometrics (3)
  ECON 491T, Mathematical Methods for Economics (3)
  ECON 560, Microeconomic Analysis I (3)
  ECON 561, Macroeconomic Analysis I (3)
  ECON 590, Econometrics I (3)
  One of the following:
  ECON 599A, Master's Thesis (6)
  ECON 599B, Master's Research Paper (3)
  A substantial research paper written in a 500- or 600-level economics course and approved by the professor teaching the course.
  Students must supplement the core requirements (21-24 semester hours) with elective hours (6-9 semester hours) approved by the department's Director of Graduate Studies.
  Comprehensive Examinations
  Comprehensive examinations in microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis will normally be taken by each student in the master's degree program the first time that these examinations are offered following the completion of ECON 560 and ECON 561. The Department of Economics offers these examinations during the week preceding the beginning of each semester.
  A student who fails either of these examinations twice will generally not be permitted to continue in the M.A. program. However, in extenuating circumstances a student may submit a written appeal to the department to take an examination a third and final time.
  Students having a grade below B in ECON 560 will be required to pass a comprehensive examination in microeconomic theory. Those having a grade below B in ECON 561 will be required to pass a comprehensive examination in macroeconomic theory.


  Doctor of Philosophy
  A person who has earned the doctorate in economics is qualified both to teach economics at the university level and to do original research in academe, government and private sector. The doctoral program in economics features a strong core of courses in theory and econometrics, and a focus on three applied fields; labor economics, public finance, and urban and regional economics. Other optional fields may be approved by the department's director of graduate studies, subject to student demand and faculty availability.
  Admission Policy
  Same as Graduate School requirements.
  Course Requirements
  All doctoral students must satisfactorily complete a minimum of 60 semester hours of graduate course work, including ECON 590, Econometrics (3), ECON 660, Microeconomic Analysis I (3), and ECON 661, Microeconomic Analysis II (3). Prerequisites for these courses include ECON 490, ECON 491T, ECON 560, and ECON 561. Students who have not satisfactorily completed these courses or their equivalents will normally be required to do so.
  In addition, each student must take three courses in each of two applied fields and must earn at least a B in each field course. Courses in the applied fields that are the primary focus of the department will be offered on a regular basis. Information about the availability of course work in other applied fields may be obtained by consulting the department's director of graduate studies.
  Labor economics: ECON 500, ECON 501, ECON 600
  Public finance: ECON 550, ECON 551, ECON 650
  Urban and regional economics: ECON 585, ECON 586, ECON 685
  Information on the required course work for other optional fields may be obtained by consulting the department's director of graduate studies.
  All doctoral students must register for one semester hour of ECON 698 for each semester (except for summer sessions) in which they are in residence.
  Research-Tool Requirement
  The Department of Economics research-tool requirement is fulfilled by successfully completing the following courses, which are required in the program: ECON 490, ECON 491T, AND ECON 590, or their equivalents.
  Qualifying Examination
  Same as Graduate School requirement.
  Admission to Candidacy
  All students are required to take written and oral candidacy examinations in microeconomic theory and in macroeconomic theory. At least one of these examinations must be taken the first time they are offered after the student has completed ECON 660 AND 661. The other examination must be taken the next time they are offered. A student who fails either of these examinations may, with the permission of the examining committee, repeat it after the lapse of at least one semester. A student who fails either of these examinations a second time will be dismissed from the doctoral program.
  After successfully completing the candidacy examinations, each student must write a research paper in one of his or her optional fields. The paper will generally serve as a basis for the student's dissertation. The department's chair and director of graduate studies will appoint a committee of three faculty members (who may later serve on the student's doctoral dissertation committee) who will evaluate the paper. Upon receiving a satisfactory evaluation, the student will be admitted to candidacy. Failure to receive a satisfactory evaluation within one year after completing the course work for the optional fields will result in dismissal from the doctoral program. Under exceptional circumstances this time limit may be extended by the department's Graduate Committee.
  Dissertation and Defense of Dissertation
  Same as Graduate School requirement.



Department of Economics
515 Zulauf Hall
Northern Illinois University
DeKalb, IL 60115  
Phone: (815)-753-1031
Fax: (815)-752-1019
E-mail: econ@niu.edu


