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University of New Mexico,Department of Economics

  The University of New Mexico Department of Economics is housed under the College of Arts and Sciences. Specializing in environmental and natural resources, labor and human resources, public finance and econometrics. Undergraduate, Master of Arts and Doctorate programs are offered.

  Current Research Areas
  Research in the Department of Economics at UNM focuses on applied economic analysis. Research areas include the four Ph.D. fields offered by the department - environmental and natural resource economics, public economics, labor and development economics, and econometrics (see Graduate Program for more information). In addition, faculty expertise in experimental economics, survey methods, and macro and international economics, provides the foundation for research on a wide range of issues. Research areas include:

Environmental and Resource Economics
Public Economics
Labor Economics
Experimental Economics
Latin American Economics and Development Economics
Macroeconomics, International Trade and Finance, and Emerging Economies
Local and Regional Economics
Industrial Organization and Regulation
Ecological Economics


Postal Address
Department of Economics
University of New Mexico
1915 Roma NE, Economics Bldg.
Albuquerque, NM 87131-1101
Phone (505) 277-5304
Fax (505) 277-9445


