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Old Dominion University,College of Business and Pubilc Administration,Economics

  What is Economics?

  Economics is the study of how societies use their limited resources to produce wealth, and how the distribution of wealth among their members is determined. This very broad field covers topics ranging from the causes of inflation and unemployment to the behavior of individual households and businesses. Knowledge of economics helps households and businesses understand how economic events will affect them, how they can best react to these events, and how to assess government economic policies.

  What Careers are Available in Economics?

  Economics graduates are considered generalists who are well-trained in analytical thinking. Many employers find such graduates valuable because they are good at problem-solving; they are adaptable to a rapidly changing business environment; and they are trainable. Employers know these workers can quickly learn on the job the specific skills they need.

  Majoring in economics is, therefore, a spring-board to a very wide variety of careers, not only in businesses, but also in government agencies and not-for-profit organizations. For example , recent Old Dominion University economics gradates have found career positions with Federal Express, Jackson-Hewitt Tax Service, and the U.S. Department of Labor. Economics is an extremely versatile major.

  A major in economics is also excellent preparation for graduate study toward master's and doctoral degrees in economics, business, public administration, urban studies, international studies, marine affairs and other fields. Furthermore, even may law schools encourage prospective students to consider majoring in economics as undergraduates.

  What Will I Study?

  You will be able to take courses in micro-economics, macroeconomics, development economics, natural resource and environmental economics, international economics, labor economics, transportation economics, urban economics, and more. You may also be able to undertake independent study in a particular area of economics that interests you, under the supervision of a faculty member.

  You can graduate with either of two different bachelor's degrees when you major in economics at Old Dominion University; a Bachelor of Arts, or a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration. If you choose the B.S.B.A. (the "business degree"), you will take courses in business subjects, such as accounting, decision sciences, finance, information systems, management, and marketing, in addition to your courses in economics.

  If you opt for the Bachelor of Arts, you will take a number of elective courses in addition to the economics courses. You may decide to take some of these electives in business subjects; however, the B.A. curriculum does not require you to take any business courses other than economics and two decision sciences courses.

  If you major in economics and follow the Bachelor of Arts curriculum, you can fit in a minor in any subject, business or non-business, often without increasing the total number of courses required for graduation. if you follow the Bachelor of Science in Business Administration curriculum, you can also get a minor in any subject, sometimes with only one or two additional courses beyond the number of required for graduation without a minor.

  What Educational Opportunities are Available Outside the Classroom?

  This major is very adaptable to the new Old Dominion University Career Advantage Program (CAP). The CAP program guarantees a practicum experience to all Old Dominion University students. Through this program you can gain valuable experience in applying your knowledge and, at the same time, receive credit for it.


For more information,
Dr. Gilbert Yochum,
Chair at 757-683-3567
or gyochum@odu.edu.


