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Portland State University,Economics

  Undergraduate Programs

  The Undergraduate Program in Economics is designed to meet four major objectives: to provide a basic knowledge of economic analysis for the student intending to do undergraduate work in preparation for a professional career in business or government; to serve as the core of a liberal arts program for students planning to enter business or industry directly upon graduation; to provide courses preparing students for graduate work in economics; and to present courses that offer insight into the economic problems of the day.

  The major in economics is required to take 42 credits in economics courses, plus specified courses in basic accounting, mathematics, and statistics. Many majors concentrate their electives so that they in effect establish a minor in either business administration, engineering, or one of the other fields in the social sciences.

  As soon as students decide to become economics majors, they should consult the department for referral to the appropriate adviser. Economics majors who anticipate that they may do graduate work in economics should consult their adviser to develop a proper background program.

  Ph.D. in System Science-Economics

  The Department of Economics participates in the Systems Science Ph.D. Program. Students interested in seeking a Ph.D. in Systems Science-Economics should contact the Department of Economics for further information. Elective fields include: labor and welfare economics, industrial economics and regulation, monetary economics, global economics, urban-regional economics and public finance, and quantitative economics. Applicants must be admitted simultaneously to the economics graduate program and the Systems Science Ph.D. Program.

Department of Economics
241 Cramer Hall / 503-725-3915
1721 SW Broadway
P. O. Box 751
Portland, OR 97207
For further information, contact: rita@ch2.ch.pdx.edu


