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Presbyterian College,Economics


  How do Economics and Business fit into your career plans?

  Within the economics and business administration department, students may pursue a Bachelor of Science degree, majoring in business administration. Students then select a concentration area either in management, accounting, or economics. These concentrations provide specialized study beyond a common professional component.

  The department recognizes the global nature of the business environment and emphasizes this through course offerings on campus, periodic course offerings at Oxford University, and through advisor/advisee counseling about other foreign study programs.

  Faculty members in the department also recognize that internships are valuable educational experiences and students have the opportunity to pursue them for academic credit.

  The department, in conjunction with the Office of Career Planning and Placement, has had excellent success in placing graduates in business and industry. Recent graduates have entered management training programs in such diverse areas as electric utilities, banking, textiles, and computer programming and information systems.

  Some graduates have entered careers with public accounting firms, as well as internal audit and accounting departments of industrial firms. Others are working in sales and marketing with department stores, office equipment firms, and other businesses.

  The liberal arts and sciences character of a business education at PC is also a strong preparation for graduate work in business, finance, accounting, or law. Recent graduates have continued their business education at universities such as South Carolina, Georgia, Clemson, Georgia State, Virginia, University of Tennessee, and Emory.

  A top education requires top facilities and the business department is housed in historic Jacobs Hall, which underwent a $1.3 million renovation in 1987. The modern facilities include a conference center, business library and ample classroom and office space. A business computer laboratory includes 18 personal computers and numerous software packages that introduce students to business computer applications.



Economics and Business Admin. Faculty Members:

Dr. Jerry K. Slice, chair

Dr. George M. Dupuy

Dr. Foard H. Tarbert , Jr.
Ms. Meredith M. Holder
Mr. Samuel L. Howell
Dr. Jody W. Lipford
Dr. Suzanne J. Smith
Mr. Norman M. Scarborough
Dr. Carl Jefferson Arnold
Dr. William Fred Chapman Jr.

