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Purdue University,Department of Economics


  The Department of Economics at Purdue University's Krannert Graduate School of Management offers a doctoral program that prepares economists for careers in research, teaching, or decision making in business and government. The graduate program in economics has a strong quantitative and analytical orientation. It is designed to provide a working knowledge of basic research skills and to broaden the students' understanding of economic institutions.


  Degree Requirements:

  Ph.D. students must complete a minimum of 49 hours of course work within the plan of study. They must complete five core courses in economic theory and three core courses in quantitative economics, develop proficiency in three fields of specialization, and pass preliminary examinations covering the core courses and one field of specialization. Students also must write and successfully defend a dissertation of suitable scholarly content and scope that demonstrates ability to carry out a substantial independent research project. Students typically take four years, including summer school sessions, to complete their Ph.D. studies.

  Fields of Specialization within Economics:
  economic development
  economic education
  economic history
  economics of financial markets
  experimental economics
  holistic and critical economics
  industrial organization
  information economics
  international economics
  labor economics
  macro-monetary economics
  mathematical economics
  public economics
  urban economics

  Students may also choose one of the three fields of specialization from a related area outside of economics. The fields of specialization available from management areas include accounting, financial management, management science, marketing management, operations management, quantitative methods, strategic management, and organizational behavior and human resource management. Some of these field sequences are offered annually, while others are offered as the demand dictates.

  Each field in economics requires passing a minimum of six hours of Ph.D. courses. For other fields of specialization, six hours of Ph.D. courses are also required. One of the three fields is designated as the student's major area of interest. A written examination in it must be passed. Prior to taking the specialization examination and, in all cases, by no later than the end of the fifth semester, the student will select the chairman of the dissertation committee, who will oversee progress toward the successful completion of the dissertation.

  Economics Workshops:

  During each semester after the first year in residence, students participate in workshops and seminars in their area. An average of 35 distinguished external speakers per year, as well as faculty members and students, give seminars in Applied Microeconomics, Theory, or Macro/International Economics.

  Admission Requirements:

  Admission to the economics doctoral program is limited to students of outstanding promise. They must have completed two semesters of calculus and one semester of linear algebra, as well as have demonstrated competence in undergraduate studies.



Department Chair: Prof. Dan Kovenock
Director of Graduate Studies: Prof. Bill Novshek
Department Secretary: Ms. Marsha Lowery
Director of Doctoral Programs: Prof. Jack Barron
PhD Programs Contact: Ms. Kelly Felty
Purdue Admissions
Homepage - Purdue Graduate School 

