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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

rizona State University, Tempe,Department of Economics

  The study of economics affords an opportunity for the student to acquire a general knowledge of the methods by which goods and services are allocated and incomes are generated and why prices, employment, money, and financial markets behave as they do. Some knowledge of economics is crucial not only for those intending to participate in the business world, but for those intending to pursue graduate education in law or other business fields or to work in the world of journalism and communications.
  Economists obtain positions at universities and in government, financial institutions, brokerage houses, private nonfinancial corporations, international organizations such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, as financial journalists, and as marketing and management specialists in domestic and international firms.?

Location: Tempe, Arizona(USA)
Postal: College of Business,Box 873806, Tempe,AZ 85287-3806
Email: asuecn@asuvm.inre.asu.edu
Tel: (602) 965-5514
Fax: (602) 965-0748
Homepage: http://www.cob.asu.edu/ecn

