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University of Redlands,Economics

  The Major in Economics
  The major program in economics can be designed to earn either a bachelor of science or bachelor of arts degree. All majors in economics must complete the following required courses:
ECON 250, 251 Principles of Micro-, Macroeconomics
  Normally taken during the sophomore year. ECON 250 should be completed first.
  ECON 200 Introduction to Statistical Methods
  Should be taken prior to the junior year and preferably during the sophomore year.
  Either ECON 304 Economic History or ECON 307 History of Economic Thought
  ECON 305, 351 Intermediate Micro-, Macroeconomics
  Should be taken during the junior year in numerical sequence.
  ECON 465 Senior Seminar in Economics
  Taken during the final semester of the senior year.
  Candidates for the B.A. degree must complete, in addition to these seven courses, at least four elective economics courses numbered 300 or above totaling at least 12 credits. BUS 353 Managerial Finance and HIST 345 Business and Entrepreneuship in Historical Perspective may be accepted as economics electives with permission of the department. Additional requirements are computer literacy and competence in university-level finite mathematics (MATH 101) and first semester calculus (MATH 121). Students who have not completed such courses can satisfy requirement by successful completition of an examination given by the department in an early meeting of ECON 350, the first course to require such math. Others must take MATH 121, substituting it for one of the elective courses.
  Candidates of the B.S. degree must complete, in addition to the seven required courses listed above, five other economics courses including ECON 300 Introduction to Econometrics and ECON 301 Mathematical Economics, and three additional elective economics courses. Because the B.S. degree requires nine specific economics courses, careful planning by the student is necessary; begin to plan your course of study with your advisor early in your career. In addition, candidates must be computer literate and complete at least 16 credits in mathematics, which must include MATH 101 (or its equivalent), MATH 122, and at least one of the MATH courses listed below. The candidate can select any three economics electives to complete the degree requirement. If appropriate, a student may be allowed to substitute a mathematics course for one of the economics electives with departmental approval.
  MATH 231 Introduction to Modeling
  MATH 233 Introduction to Operations Research
  MATH 235 Differential Equations
  MATH 241 Linear Algebra
  All economics majors are urged to complement their studies in economics with courses in computer science, government, history, mathematics, philosophy, and sociology. ACCT 210 Principles of Financial Accounting and Reporting and PHIL 130 Reasoning and Logic are strongly recommended. The department also encourages all majors to participate in one of the University''s excellent international study opportunities.
  Quantitative Preparation
Students who are structuring their academic preparation for careers or graduate study in economics, business administration, operations research, or statistics are advised to develop their quantitative skills beyond the minimum required by the department. The B.S. degree is particularly appropriate for such students. A minor in mathematics -- especially one that emphasizes calculus, linear algebra, statistics, differential equations, numerical analysis, and optimization techniques--is recommended. The requirements for a Mathematics minor are specified in the Mathematics Department section. Courses in Computer Science are also encouraged



The Faculty
Randall Bluffstone
Mussaddequddin Chowdhury
Rafat Fazeli
Lorenzo Garbo
Christopher J. Niggle (chair)
University of Redlands
1200 East Colton Ave., Box 3080
Redlands, California 92373
(909) 793-2121


