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Saint John Fisher College,Department of Economics

  Why Major in Economics?

  Critical thinking skills are crucial for success in today's job market. We believe, and surveys of our graduates support this position, that majoring in economics will help you to develop these skills. This will help you to be adaptable to ever-changing job requirements and expectations, and will prepare you for yet-to-be determined developments in the job market. Whether you plan to begin your career immediately after graduation or are considering going on for graduate study, majoring in economics should prepare you for the challenge.

  Why Study Economics at Fisher?

  The study of economics at Fisher enables students to combine the best aspects of liberal arts training with opportunities to gain the skills and experiences that will prepare them for success in the job market or in graduate study. Success in today's job market and in graduate study requires the ability to think clearly and analytically and to be adaptable to change. In a recent survey of alumni from the last ten years, over ninety percent agreed that the courses they took helped develop their powers of critical thinking.

  Course components, such as individual and group projects involving both traditional and field research, class discussions, and presentations encourage students to develop and enhance their abilities.

  Personalized Attention

  With a 7:1 ratio of economics majors to faculty, students have the opportunity to get to know their instructors and to apply classroom experiences by working on projects with them. Recent collaborations between students and faculty have investigated the cost structures and pricing practices of local health care providers. Another project led to an economics major co-presenting a paper at a professional conference.

  The course options available to economics majors help prepare them for a variety of options after graduation. Recent graduates have begun careers in financial management, actuarial science, regulation, law, banking and education. Others have gone on to graduate programs in economics, public policy, law, and business.

  On the other hand, you may be considering pursuing a master's degree or a doctorate. A degree in economics from St. John Fisher College prepares you for graduate work in law, public policy and business, as well as economics. Our graduates have found that, regardless of their choice, they were prepared for their eventual selection.


  Dr. Colin Linsley
  Department of  Economics
  St. John Fisher College
  3690 East Avenue
  Rochester, New York 14618
  Phone: 716.385.8000
  Fax: 716.385.8129

