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Saint Marry´s College,School of Economics and Business Administration

  Nature and Purpose

  The Master of Arts Degree in Economics is designed to develop the student's ability to analyze economic problems and to exercise sound judgment in economic affairs. Its purpose is to prepare the student for further academic work in economics, as well as for a professional career in the applied areas of private enterprise, public administration, teaching and research.

  Career Opportunities

  Career Opportunities include employment in a wide variety of jobs such as urban planning, health care administration, human resource policy analysis, banking, housing, and security markets. Economists are used at all levels of government to analyze the effects of factors such as taxes, changes in land use, public utility regulation, energy costs, policy changes affecting education, health care, and agricultural programs.

  Admission of Students

  Generally, admission is granted only to those with high promise for success in graduate study. Potential may be demonstrated by experience in increasingly responsible positions, previous schooling, and test scores on the GRE. Generally, students must provide acceptable test scores at the time of enrollment. If students are otherwise highly qualified, they may take the GRE during their first semester of enrollment, with further enrollment contingent upon test results.

  The minimum Academic Index required for regular admission is:
  GPA X (Verbal + Quantitative GRE Score) = 3159

  Provisional status may be considered for those with a minimum Index of 2527, provided letters of recommendation and an interview (if required) are favorable.


  Business Administration, Computer Science, Economics, Mathematics, and Pre-Law background provide excellent preparation for graduate studies in Economics.

  JD/EC Program

  Doctor of Jurisprudence/Master's in Economics In addition to separate degree programs in law and Economics, the Law School and the Graduate School also offer a joint program of study leading to the degrees of Doctor of Jurisprudence (J.D.) and Master of Arts in Economics. The joint degree program allows a student to complete the requirements for both degrees in three or four years, depending upon the economics prerequisites required.

  The JD/EC program develops lawyers with greater skill in economics. Anti-trust action, consumer protection laws, environmental litigation, zoning laws, wage and labor disputes, personal injury, and other actions have placed an increasing importance on economics in law. To those who wish to practice law in economic related areas, an advanced degree in economics would be a valuable asset in their career development. For the student with the appropriate economics background, the degrees may be earned with the completion of a total of 108 hours of law and economics credits, 18 hours less than the normal requirement. To satisfy the 90 hours of law for the J.D. degree and the 36 hours of economics for the M.A. degree, 12 hours of law courses are transferred as elective credit to the M.A. degree and 6 hours of graduate economics are transferred as elective credit toward the J.D. degree. Students credited with law courses must complete a minimum of 24 hours for the Economics degree at St. Mary's University, exclusive of prerequisites.



  General Information : If you require general information about the University, please send email to info@www.stmarytx.edu

  Office of the Registrar : For questions about transcripts, grading policies, etc., please send email to registrar@www.stmarytx.edu

  Alumni Relations : Please email alumni@stmarytx.edu

  By Mail : Alumni Relations, One Camino Santa Maria, San Antonio, TX 78228-8504 --   Phone : (210) 436-3324 -- FAX : (210) 431-6864 -- Toll Free : 1-800-699-9932

  Office of the Bursar : For inquiries into student billing and accounting, please   email bursar@www.stmarytx.edu

  Undergraduate Admissions : For information on undergraduate admissions, please email admissions@www.stmarytx.edu

  Evening Studies : For information on degree programs and services available to evening students, please email eveningstudies@www.stmarytx.edu

  Graduate Admissions : For information on graduate admissions, please email gradschool@www.stmarytx.edu

  Human Resources : Information about jobs or other Human Resources questions can be directed to humanresources@www.stmarytx.edu

