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Sambrose University,Economics

  The ECBA Program at St. Ambrose

  The Economics and Business Administration (ECBA) Department at St. Ambrose prepares students to be valuable contributors in the world-wide business market. By combining a broad liberal arts education with the most advanced skills in a specialized area of business, graduates will be fully prepared to compete in a fast-paced global environment.

  To assist in their career preparation, each ECBA student is specially assigned to an academic advisor, who is also an instructor in their chosen major. The advisor helps monitor their progress and ensures they are meeting their goals toward graduation and a career in the field of business.
ECBA faculty teach in both the undergraduate and graduate programs. They are dedicated professionals who have developed credentials as academicians and business practitioners.


  For More Information

  For more details about the St. Ambrose Economics and Business Administration program, write or call:
  ECBA Department
  St. Ambrose University
  518 West Locust Street
  Davenport, IA 52803
  (319) 333-6382
  To receive an application for admission, or to arrange a campus visit, go to the Admissions Office web site or contact them at admit@saunix.sau.edu or 800/383-2627.
For information about financial aid, including scholarships, loans, and work study opportunities, visit the Financial Aid Office web site, or contact them at finaid@saunix.sau.edu or 319/333-6314.

