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San José State University,Department of Economics

San Jose State's Department of Economics has a distinguished faculty committed to excellence in teaching, with a focus on applied economics. We educate students to be comfortable using economic thinking in everyday situations. While we apply economic theory to the commonly held notions of economics - markets and interest rates - we teach our students to understand that economics is the study of choices in any situation.

This is Not Your Parents' Dismal Science

College is an intellectually exciting time. The Economics faculty is honored to be able to contribute to the fun of learning. That's right, we said fun! Faculty members are selected because they enjoy what they do - working with students on joint research papers, op-ed pieces, web-postings, and hosting discussions long into the night. For an enjoyable example of what can result from professors and students working together, check out "What's Wrong with Monopoly (the game)?" by Professor Benjamin Powell and undergraduate student David Skarbek (02/13/04).

The Economic Way of Thinking

By learning the economic way of thinking, our students develop the ability to analyze complex, often ill-defined problems, and to think strategically about both intended and unintended consequences. The study of Economics develops a student's ability to organize thoughts, analyze complex issues, and to make clear and persuasive recommendations. These skills explain why economics majors score higher on law school admissions tests than other majors, and receive among the highest starting salaries.

Employers Value an Education in Economics

Employers in business, politics, law, social work and education value highly the skills students acquire through our curriculum. While employers can provide training for company and industry-specific skills, they rely on institutions such as ours to give their future employees the most valuable skills - those of critical thinking. You can find economics graduates in a wide variety of fields and positions. While the most common entry level positions are in management, marketing, finance, and analysis, economics baccalaureates also work in government, international agencies, education, non-profit agencies, and political consulting.

Flexible Degree Programs for a Customized Course of Study

Our programs in economics provide the flexibility to create your own specialty. The core economics coursework, combined with a broad choice of electives lets you create a course of study that will help differentiate you from the pack. Students interested in careers in finance, marketing, international business, and business operations frequently combine the Economics Major with a minor or significant coursework in one or more of these fields. The flexibility of the program lets you pursue almost any field, from public relations, communications, and political science, to environmental studies and the biological sciences.

Get a Head-start with our SJSU Internships and High-School AP Economics Programs

The Department's Internship Program provides credit for work in an economics-related field. If you are a high school teacher, or a high school student, check out the Center for Economic Education. The Center's programs support high school teachers interested in developing Advanced Placement courses or or improving existing Economics courses. Through the Unitrack program, high school students can earn early credit at SJSU.

copied from  http://www.sjsu.edu/depts/economics/index.html

