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Research Fellow Program Announcement
  The China Center for PharmacoEconomics and Outcomes Research (CCPOR) is a newly established research institution based in the Department of Health Economics and Management at the Peking University Guanghua School of Management.  The mission of CCPOR is two fold: 1) Conducting quality research on economic analysis of medicine, health care, and pharmaceutical policies; and 2) Providing educational and training opportunities for graduate students and young researchers.

  CCPOR now invites applications for the 2-year Research Fellow Program which will provide full fellowship support to train highly motivated and qualified professionals through CCPOR-based research projects, training classes, and professional meetings. The Research Fellows will have unique opportunities to work closely with the internationally leading scholars serving as full-time and adjunct professors in the PKU Department of Health Economics and Management.

Qualifications for the Research Fellows are in three tracks:

Track One: Hospital Management

  Master or PhD degrees in hospital management, public health, health economics, business or management; working experience in hospital management, marketing, business consulting, or training programs; strong communication skills and connections with government authorities and hospitals; excellent English.

Track Two:Pharmaceutical Economics

  Master or PhD degrees in pharmacy administration, health economics, medicine, or economics; experience in conducting empirical research and professional training; working experience in government sectors, pharmaceutical industries, or consulting business; strong communication skills; excellent English.

Track Three:Applied Statistics and Econometrics

  Master or PhD degrees in bio-statistics, applied statistics, mathematics; or econometrics; experience in conducting empirical economic research and large data analysis; familiar with statistical software, including SAS, STATA, or SPLUS; excellent English.

  CCPOR also invites applications for two Research Assistant positions, the qualifications are as follows:

Research Assistant I:

  At least B.S. or B.E. degree in computer technology; information sciences, or related fields; good experience or strong interests in database management, computer networking, and website development; good English;

Research Assistant II:

  B.A. degree or its equivalent; professional with Microsoft Office, other office software, and computer applications; good experience in office management, document editing; strong communication skills; good English;

  All positions above will be filled immediately within a month.  Please send email applications, including cover letter, recent photo, and CVs (in both Chinese and English) to:

Professor Gordon G. Liu, Director of CCPOR, at the email address:

ggliu@unc.edu;  and

gordon@gsm.pku.edu.cn and



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