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CALL FOR PAPERS:Case Method Research and Application

Case Method Research and Application - Including Case Writing

22th International Conference hosted by Mendel University 


July 3-6 2005


including Distance & Continuing Education

With Cases, Multimedia, Simulations, and Other Interactive Methods

The case method can and does play an important role in solving problems and in teaching problem-solving, as well as in initiating and managing change. Thus this conference provides opportunities for participants to learn more about teaching using the case method and related instructional approaches in a variety of educational settings. Participants will have ample opportunity to meet colleagues from around the world with whom they can forge research partnerships. WACRAR conferences are interdisciplinary multinational forums for scholars in the disciplines and professional fields (such as business, communication, education, engineering, history, law, medicine, psychology, public policy, social work) and practitioners in business and industry, education and government. 

Papers are solicited that analyze theory and practice using cases, simulations, videos and related instructional methods for problem solving, managing change and innovation. Priority will be given to papers that are interdisciplinary, international, and/or comparative. Papers reporting the application of cases in university and professional training programs in diverse settings and papers on the evaluation of the case method and its related forms for teaching and learning are encouraged. Contributions investigating challenges (and suggesting solutions) faced by business are also solicited. Proposals for case writing & development and actual cases placed in diverse settings are invited, e.g. joint-cross-cultural cases. While a main focus of the WACRA conferences is on using cases for teaching and problem-solving, scholarly papers that report research using the case method are welcome. WACRA is particularly interested in scholarly papers that enhance the understanding and collaboration between and among disciplines and international partners. The most innovative presentation and the outstanding paper are recognized. 

Submissions (Word email attachments preferred) should include (1) a cover page including: title, name, affiliation, address, tel.& fax numbers and e-mail address of the author(s), (2) a proposal summary (not exceeding 4 pages), or the completed paper (not exceeding 12 pages). Download the manuscript guidelines from the WACRA web site below. The summary should state clearly the objectives, the framework, and the nature of the proposal and be responsive to the criteria used for review. The name of the author(s) should not appear on the summary page to facilitate the double blind peer review. 

Receipt of all proposals/papers will be acknowledged and the results of the review will be send by way of e-mail. Send your proposals and papers now!!!. Completed papers received prior to March 31,2005will be considered for publication in the refereed International Journal of Case Method Research & Application. Conference language is English with tracks in Czech, French and Spanish. For further details visit the WACRA web site www.wacra.org or contact WACRA directly


23 Mackintosh Ave NEEDHAM (BOSTON) MA 02492-1218 U.S.A.
Tel. +781-444-8982   wacra@rcn.com  Fax: +781-444-1548 web site www.wacra.org Conference Office: Tel. +860-895-1930 (Denise Smith) Fax +860-569-0663 smithdmwacra@comcast.net

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