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IPHD Program Office
Guanghua School of Management
Peking University, Beijing, 100871
Tel::010-62756701 Fax:010-62751471
E-mail:iphd@gsm.pku.edu.cn; or
Feb. 28, 2003

To Applicants for GSM’s 2003 Doctoral study

Dear Applicants:

Thank you for your application for GSM’s doctoral study.

As China further develops its global economic activities, universities have an inevitable responsibility to develop the new generation of managers and scholars with the ability to contribute to the country’s internationalization. Peking (Beijing) University has committed to become a world-class research-oriented and knowledge-creating university. To achieve this objective, Guanghua School of Management (GSM) of Peking University launches a new Ph.D. program-GSM International Ph.D. Program. Financial aid will be offered to the admitted students in the IPHD program, in the form of a stipend of 2000RMB per month in the 2003-2004 academic year, in addition to tuition waiver and housing in university dormitory. Students who maintain a qualified performance receive stipends for four years. The program will also provide opportunities of studying abroad in a semester under the sponsorship of international faculty, on a competitive basis.(Please browser the website /-iphd for detailed information).

The applicants for the IPHD program should first attend the general admission examination of Peking University, together with those who apply for admission to regular master or doctoral programs at Peking University. An evaluative interview and a written examination in English will be conducted following the regular doctoral admission examination.

We sincerely invite you to join the IPHD Program. For those who had taken the entrance examination for master programs and those who will attend the entrance examination for the regular doctoral program of PKU, you are welcome to the IPHD program!

If you like to apply for the program, please let us know by e-mail or Fax by March 10. Besides, you need provide the following more information by March 15, 2003 so that we can arrange your interview on March 24 or 25:

1 The complete English application form (It could be downloaded from the website /-iphd
2 2 copies of a one-page of statement of purpose in English
3 GRE or GMAT scores
4 TOEFL scores

Looking forwards to your prompt feedback.
Truthfully yours

IPHD Program Office

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