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中国人民大学经济学院的学生活动在党团组织的指导下,以其极具特色的思想教育方式、丰富多彩的内容、活泼多样的形式,深得老师和同学的青睐。院学生组织是学生活动的领导核心力量,包括:院团委、院学生会、院青协及其他各类协会。他们开展的活动以3C(CHALLENGING CREATIVE CONSUMMATIVE)为原则,集严肃、活泼、公益性于一体,服务于同学,服务于大众,服务于社会。如今,院领导又为学生活动确立了“对外拓展、对内建设”的方针,在它的指引下,经济学院的学生活动必将获得新的发展。

Students'' Activities in the School of Economics

Under the direction of Party and League''s leadership, the students'' activities in the School of Economics have received the accolade of the faculty and students with characteristic enlightenment, diversified contents and flexible style.

The students'' organizations, which comprise League Committee of the School, Students'' Council of the School, Youth Volunteers Association of the School and other associations, are the core element to lead the students'' activities.

The students'' activities which are guided with the "3C" principle (Challenging, Creative and Consummative) have always been incorporating seriousness, liveliness and commonweal into themselves with a vivid goal to serve the students, serve the people and serve the society.

Now, with the more guideline that is "Stretch outward and exploit inward", which is brought forward by the new leaders of the School, the students'' activities will be poised to keep the strong momentum to develop more vigorously and hopefully.

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