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  但是,为了能够让世界各地的朋友了解非典时期中国清华大学生的声音,梁萌制做了一篇名为"where the sun rises..."的视频演讲,反映整个清华在抗击非典过程中的种种积极向上的精神以及带给我们大学生的思考。 这篇视频演讲已经挂在清华新闻网上,供英国的国际英语协会和国内外的朋友浏览。它告诉关心我们的朋友们:在这样的困难时期,中国的大学生依然生活的自信、健康、充实。每一天,太阳都在为我们升起。








  所以现在我求助于学校的主页,可不可以给我这个荣幸,把这个视频挂在我们的主页上,它不仅是我个人的演讲,更多的是从清华的各个角落采集的我们抗击非典的感人画面,最近在清华新闻网上看到很多有关抗击非典的视频和文章,也都深受感动,所以我希望自己也能够做出一份贡献。   希望老师能够考虑我的请求,如果能够允许的话,我会尽快把文件发给您。






Where the Sun Rises...
Liang Meng, Tsinghua university, China

video(AVI)   video(RM)

Every man is part of the main. Any man''s death diminishes me because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the bell tolls; it tolls for you.

When it''s the best season with all the kites flying in the sky, it''s hard to believe that a mysterious devil, by the name of SARS has quietly escaped from the sealed Pandora''s box and arrived in the east ancient empire of China.

There has been a time of innocence and rashness when the naughty students only refer SARS to School Actually Requires Spring-holidays which was the only thing they cared about.

There has been a time of astonishment and horror when we realized that SARS means Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome a dangerous disease that has caused hundreds of deaths and thousands of infections around China within only several months.

There has been a time of uncertainty and nervousness when I checked my temperature 5 times a day and wore my mask wherever I went.

There has been a time of depression and disappointment when I realized that as a student in the city of Beijing, I should not go to London for this speaking competition that I''d dreamed of, competed and prepared for such a long time.

However, what has now come to my country is a time of courage, a time of determination, devotion and cooperation.

We have our government bear the huge pressure and sacrifice, leading us to start our defence against SARS which has been a question of to be or not to be. When it decided to make everything public, it has taken the risk to open the Pandora''s box but only by which can we let out the last treasure inside to save the picture -HOPE.

We have our doctors and nurses who serve in hospitals fighting as the bravest warriors. For the first time do we realize that they are indeed sacrificing their own lives to save ours, while in the past we more or less only consider their job as one with a high income. Also for the first time do we understand the sacred vows our white angels made in front of Florence Nightingale which is a life commitment.

We have countless big and small donations from drivers, workers, teachers, students, housewives and children. These are the people who drive their cabs, who work in factories, who take part-time jobs and try to save every penny for residence and education. Some of them can''t afford it but they do. Why? Because they care. Because they can''t just sit there and wait. Because they want to prove they can do something and they just do it.

We have scientists not only in China but from all over the world, cooperate doing research for the effective treatment. We believe in them since the process of globalization has given them a greater advantage than ever before.

When the tower of ivory is also facing the danger of being drowned, what''s our campus life like? Please follow me into my school, Tsinghua University, located in the west suburb of Beijing, as one of the most ancient and famous universities in China.

All of us students take the responsibility to trust our government and support our school to stay; We study, we read, we contemplate, we exercise, we volunteer. We have classes as usual and encourage each other with the story of the great British scientist Newton, who got his outstanding achievements in physics in his 20s when a terrible disease was also spreading in Cambridge. We folded a thousand paper doves and sent them back home to tell our parents and the whole society that we''ll not only take good care of ourselves, but also take the responsability as a Chinese college student.

On May the 4th as the "youth''s day in China", when our Premier Wen Jiabao came to visit our campus, we were proud to tell him that what we are leading now is a more disciplined and valuable life! Never before have we so much cherished the beauty of our youth to make everyday count, never before have we been so integrated together to achieve the social commitment for the stability of our country, never before have we so well understood and followed the school slogan carved on the ancient sundial on our campus for about a century: action speaks louder than words.

Yesterday I went to fly kites. When I saw that amazing gadget in the sky, I had the feeling of being taken to the clouds too. It''s just this feeling that inspired me to do this video because I believe it will be the kite to fly to London to you all my friends, with friendship and trust as the string to hold us together.

In fact, right now I am even feeling grateful because it''s just this tough period, this uneasy decision, this special experience that has taught the local value we Chinese cherish today that should really be of global worth,which is: ration and love, trust and integration, social commitment and global responsibility!

And just because of this, we have more confidence and strength because we know when we fight, we do not fight alone but with the pray and support from you all, from the 6 billion people on this planet. Together, there''s nothing we fear. Together, we''ll prove to the whole world that SARS can also mean Success And Retain Smile!

If the only regret left now is that I haven''t had the chance to meet you this time, I would like to have the honor to represent all Chinese young people to invite you all to come to China, to Beijing when this crisis will soon be over. You will see a city of ancient civilization, a city of modern prosperity waiting for the 2008 Olympic Games, and a city even more beautiful and united after all these challenges!

To my dear friends who give me the supreme honor by listening to the voice of a Chinese girl, you have my greatest gratitude and best wishes!

Every man is part of the main. Any man''s life delights me because I am involved in mankind, and therefore never send to know for whom the sun rises, it rises for you!

(Thanks to English Speaking Union, China Daily, Student Tv.net of Tsinghua University and my friends: Wang Han, Chen Lanjie, Li Te, Xiao Jingjie Thank You!)

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