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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社

复旦:International Conference on the Law, Finan

Announcing (Overseas Only)



TRANSITION AND ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT (TED): An International Conference on the Law, Finance and Economic Development in China, 10-11 September, 2005, Shanghai, China

(Official web site: http://www.cces.cn/cces/BigClass.asp?BigClassName=年会&BigClassType=1)



About the Conference


The conference is organized by the China Center for Economic Studies (CCES), Fudan University. This is also the 1st meeting of Transition and Economic Development TED2005 which will be held every two years.





The organizer invites all papers addressing the following topics about the Chinese economy

            Law and economics

Financial system and economic development

            Economic reforms and growth

            China and the world economy

            State governance and economic policy


In addition, conference participants are most welcome to organize special sessions at the conference



Invited Speakers


A small group of distinguished local, national and international scholars/speakers will be invited to attend the conference and make presentations. Their main research interests centre around the Chinese economy and business.



Who Should Attend


The conference is open to all scholars, policy makers and business advisers who are interested in the Chinese economy



Key Dates


1 March, 2005: abstracts of papers due

1 April, 2005: letters of acceptance of conference papers posted

27 May, 2005: last day for registration with early bird discount

24 June, 2005: last date for conference registration

1 July, 2005: full papers due



Conference Proceedings


Depending on the number and quality of papers submitted, the organizer intends to publish selected conference papers in the form of journal issue (World Economic Forum). The selection of papers will follow a double-blind refereeing process.





For expression of interest, the submission of abstracts and full copies of all conference papers, please contact


Miss Mei Chen

China Center for Economic Studies (CCES)

Fudan University, Shanghai 200433, China

Tel: ++86-21-65643054, Fax: ++86-21-65643054

Email: ccesconference@fudan.edu.cn









Expression of Interest



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Surname _____________________  Other names _____________________________



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