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经济金融网 中国经济学教育科研网 中国经济学年会 EFN通讯社


题  目: Reflection on the Doha Round
演讲人: Mr. Peter Kleen
Director General, National Board of Trade, Sweden
地  点: 经济学院750号楼201会议室
时  间: 3月26日下午3:30——5:00
主  办: 复旦大学经济学院

Peter Kleen – Short Biography
Mr. Peter Kleen is since April 1992 Director General at the National Board of Trade in Stockholm.

The board is an independent governmental agency that carries out analyses and monitors development in trade policy matters.

Peter Kleen is 60 years old and has worked in the Swedish government for more than thirty years. He has a wide experience of trade negotiations and trade policy matters.

He was formerly an employee in the Board 1968-89 and became Project Manager for the Uruguay Round in the Federation of Swedish Industries during the years 1989-91.

In 1991-92 Peter Kleen served as a Special Trade Policy Adviser in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in Stockholm.

Since 1995 Mr. Kleen belongs to the rooster of panelists in the World Trade organisation (WTO) for settlements of disputes between WTO members.

Mr. Kleen has written several articles in trade policy matters, both in Sweden and abroad, and has also published guides about the world trading rules 1991 and 1996.  The latest book (co-author Per Altenberg) was published in 2001, entitled “Globalisation under attack”

Since 1996 Mr. Kleen is a member of the Swedish Society for International Affairs.

