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The economics of risk and time


Ph. D. Course - Wuhan University


Christian Gollier  (Toulouse University)


March 2003





Goal of the course


The goal of this course is to offer an introduction to the new developments in the economics of uncertainty, with applications to finance. Some of the main issues are the following:


  • How should we share risk in Society?
  • What are the determinants of stock prices?
  • What is an optimal dynamic portfolio management?
  • How to save efficiently over the lifetime?
  • What are the determinants of interest rates?





The course will be based on my book published in 2001 with MIT Press that is entitled “The economics of risk and time”.



Short Biography


Christian Gollier is Professor at the University of Toulouse. In the recent years, he published over 60 papers in the leading scientific journals in economics (Econometrica, Review of Economic Studies, Journal of Economic Theory, …) His main field of interest is the impact of risks on behaviors and prices. He is one of the main authors participating to the recent developments of expected utility theory. He solved the question of whether longer time horizon induces taking more risk, or whether a better social insurance could make households to invest more in stock markets. He is also interested about the management of irreversible decisions in a world with scientific uncertainty, with applications to global warming and nuclear management. In 201, he published the book entitled “The economics of risk and time” (MIT Press) which was awarded the Paul A. Samuelson Award.



Schedule of the course


The schedule of the class will be the following:


Monday 3/10:  Background


8:30-11:30              Lecture 1: Risk preferences


                Expected utility

                Risk aversion


References:           Pratt, J.W., (1964), Risk aversion in the small and in the large, Econometrica, 32, 122-136.

                               Gollier, C., (2001), The economics of risk and Time, MIT Press, Chapters 1 and 2.


1:30-4:30                Lecture 2: Static portfolio choices


                Static portfolio choices

The effect of background risk


References:           Gollier, C., and J.W. Pratt, (1993), Risk vulnerability and the tempering effect of background risk, Econometrica, 64, 1009-1024.

                               Gollier , C., (2001), The economics of risk and Time, MIT Press, Chapters 4 , 6 and 9.



Tuesday 3/11:            Asset pricing


8:30-11:30              Lecture 3: A theory of asset prices 


                The demand for contingent claims

                The consumption-based asset pricing model (CCAPM)

                The equity premium puzzle


References:                          Lucas, R., (1978), Asset prices in an exchange economy, Econometrica, 46, 1429-1446.

                               Gollier , C., (2001), The economics of risk and Time, MIT Press, Chapters 6 and 13.


1:30-4:30                Exercises on portfolio choices and asset pricing



Wednesday 3/12:        Risk and time I


8:30-11:30              Lecture 4: Dynamic portfolio management


Should younger people purchase more stocks?


References:                          Mossin, J., (1968b), Optimal multiperiod portfolio policies, Journal of Business, 215-229.

                               Gollier , C., (2001), The economics of risk and Time, MIT Press, Chapters 11 and 14.


1:30-4:30                Lecture 5: Consumption and savings under uncertainty


Consumption under certainty

Precautionary savings and prudence

The equilibrium price of time

The yield curve


References:           Kimball, M.S.,(1990), Prudence in the small and in the large, Econometrica, 58, 53-73.

                               Gollier , C., (2001), The economics of risk and Time, MIT Press, Chapters 15, 16 and 17.


Thursday 3/13:          Risk and time II


8:30-11:30              Exercises on dynamic risk management


1:30-4:30                Lecture 6: Disentangling risk and time


                Kreps-Porteus preferences

                Precautionary savings revisited


References:           Kreps, D.M., and E.L. Porteus, (1978), Temporal resolution of uncertainty and dynamic choice theory, Econometrica, 46, 185-200.

                               Gollier , C., (2001), The economics of risk and Time, MIT Press, Chapter 20.



Friday 3/14:               Aggregation of preferences


1:30-4:30                Lecture 7: Risk sharing


                Efficient risk sharing

                The preferences of the representative agent


References:           Wilson, R., (1968),  The theory of syndicates, Econometrica, 36, 113-132.

                               Gollier , C., (2001), The economics of risk and Time, MIT Press, Chapters 21 and 23.



1:30-4:30                Exercises on aggregation of preferences



Tuesday 3/18 to Thursday 3/20:


9:00-11:00              Open discussions, exercises and student presentations


1:30-4:30                Office hours



Exam:             Friday 3/21   9:00-10:30


