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岭南基金讲座教授  博士 

1994年,美国University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign金融学专业毕业,获金融学博士学位


主讲课程(Courses Taught)
    公司财务 Business Finance
    投资学 Investments
    证券分析 Securities Analysis
    期货和期权 Futures and Options
    高级公司财务Seminar: Corporate Finance
    资产组合管理 Seminar: Portfolio Management

Publications in Refereed Journals (since 1994)

   1.“Pricing Market Index Target-Term Securities” (with K.C. Chen and C. Taylor), Journal of Financial Management and Analysis, Vol 14 No. 1, January-June, 2002, pp11-18.

   2."Stock Price Behavior Around Order-Imbalance Induced Temporary Nontrading: The Case of Hong Kong" (with K.C. Chen and Hun Park), forthcoming, Journal of Emerging Markets.

   3."The Price Effect of Derivative Warrants Trading in Hong Kong" (with K. C. Chen) forthcoming, International Journal of Finance.

   4."Pricing Commodity-Indexed Preferred Securities" (with K.C. Chen and Sangphill Kim), International Journal of Management Theory and Practices, Vol. 1, No. 1, August 2000, pp. 55-64.

   5.“Inside Trading in the Hong Kong Stock Market” (with Michael Wong and Yan-Leung Cheung), Asia-Pacific Financial Market, 7(3): September 2000, Kluwer Academic Publisher, 275-288.

   6.“Market Liquidity and Trader Welfare in Multiple Dealer Markets” (with Peter Locke and Asani Sarkar), Journal of Financial and Quantitative Analysis, Vol. 34, 1999, 57-88.

   7.“Information Asymmetry and the Pricing of Cross-Listed Stocks: Evidence from Chinese A- and B-Shares” (with Sugato Chakravarty and Asani Sarkar), Journal of International Financial Markets, Institutions & Money, Vol. 8, 1998, 325-355.

   8.“Price Transmission and Market Openness: A Comparative Analysis of Asian Stock Markets” (with Asani Sarkar), Review of Pacific Basin Financial Markets and Policies, Vol. 1, No. 2, 1998, 215-232.

   9.“Additional Evidence of The Spinoff Effect: The Case of Hong Kong”, Advances in Pacific Basin Financial Markets, Vol. 4, 1998, 127-141.

   10.“Market Reactions to the Hong Kong Trading Suspensions: Mandatory Versus Voluntary”, Journal of Business Finance and Accounting, Vol. 25, 1998, 418-437.

   11.“On Existence of An “Optimal Stock Price”: Evidence from Stock Splits and Reverse Stock Splits in Hong Kong” (with Bob Chan), International Journal of Business, Vol. 2, 1997, 45-67.

Other Publications

   1.Wu, Lifan and Fei Heng, “The Timing and Market Reactions of the New Issues of the State-owned Enterprises,” (Chinese), World Economy, November, 1995, 42-47.

   2.Park, Hun, Asani Sarkar and Lifan Wu, “The Costs and Benefits of Dual Trading,” Staff Reports, Federal Reserve Bank of New York, No. 2 (June, 1995).

   3.Wu, Lifan, "The Value of Deposit Insurance with Charter Value," (Chinese) International Study Papers, December, 1994, Nankai University, Tianjin, China.

   4.Wu, Lifan, "US Financial Reform in the 1980s," (Chinese), Journal of Naikai Economics, July, 1987.

   5.Li, Lauli and Lifan Wu, "The Current Issues and Future Perspectives in Shenzhen Banking Industry," (Chinese), Quarterly Journal of Nankai Economics Research Institutions, April, 1986.

   6.Lifan Wu, "The Development of Labor Surplus Economy: Comments on Gustave Ranies Lectutures," (Chinese), Journal of Naikai Economics, December, 1985.
   7.Lifan Wu, "The Perspective of the US Dollar Exchange Rates," (Chinese), International Financial Letters, September, 1984.

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