
书刊 · 2008-03-24



Forecasting Economic Time Series
作者:M. P. 柯莱蒙兹(Clements),D. F. 韩德瑞(Hendry),陆懋祖

  卜算未来是一门既古老又受人尊重的行业。我们的祖先很早就已经知道如何根据季节的变化,预计渔汛的大小、安排庄稼的种植和收割等,甚至能估算迁徙的鸟群过往的时间。在古代希腊,岱尔斐 (Delphi*) 的女教士就能为当时的皇帝和达官显贵卜算未来;而在中国,早在殷商时代,人们已将对将来的预测刻在龟背上,有些至今尚存。






C.W.J.  格兰杰
    2003 年诺贝尔经济奖得主


* 岱尔斐 (Delphi) 位于雅典西北一百英里处,是古代希腊的宗教圣地,著名的阿波罗神殿亦在此。岱尔斐已被现代科学借用,岱尔斐预测技术现指一种专家体系的预测方法  (作者注)


Looking into the future is a very ancient and honorable procedure.  Our earliest ancestors learnt how to judge when the seasons would change so that crops should be planted, fish would be plentiful, or when migrating herds would pass some local point.  In ancient Greece the female priests in Delphi would foretell the future for kings and others, and in China’ Yin and Shang dynasties people carved forecasts into turtle shells, some of which still exists.

During the second half of the twentieth century and more recently the methods of forecasting economic series have steadily developed in scope and expanded in number.  Some techniques make strong use of economic theory to structure the model whereas others consider a variety of alternative statistical, time series models.  As data becomes more plentiful and computing more powerful, the range of possible models is rapidly expanding.  This makes the comparison and evaluation of the alternatives more important, but the eventual procedures chosen should be superior.

This does not imply that the economy is easy to forecast; many parts remain very difficult depending on the type of market and on the forecast horizon being considered.  It is not even clear if forecasts are improving in quality as the economy is evolving over time, changing its structure as institutions evolve and as trading between countries increases, for example.Once formed, the forecast has to be used, presumably by a decision maker.  In general, a superior forecast should lead to better decisions.  The value achieved by the decision will depend on the quality of the forecast and on the actual value that occurs for the variable of interest.  In some cases the situation is made more complicated because the forecast can influence the actual variable; that is the value that is being forecast.  This can occur if a policy maker takes the forecast into account when deciding on the policy.  Evaluation is clearly more difficult in these cases.

As time passes forecasters will continue to continue to consider new, and probably more complicated, techniques including more explanatory variables, nonlinear forms or those with time-varying parameters, possibly estimated using a Kalman Filter. There is no guarantee that these new techniques will produce superior forecasts.

The formation of forecasts remains a continually interesting (and even exciting) activity that can be applied to new series from new sources.  Using this book, students and researchers can enter this area with confidence and, hopefully, enjoyment.

    Sir  Clive Granger    
    2003 Nobel Prize Laureate in Economics


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