JEP:Recommendations for Further Reading

书刊 · 2010-11-29



Journal of Economic Perspectives—Volume 24, Number 4—Fall 2010—Pages 219–226

Recommendations for Further Reading
Timothy Taylor

     This section will list readings that may b This section will list readings that may be especially useful to teachers of under- e especially useful to teachers of undergraduate economics, as well as other arti graduate economics, as well as other articles that are of broader cultural interest.  cles that are of broader cultural interest.In general, with occasional exceptions, In general, with occasional exceptions, the articles chosen will be expository or  the articles chosen will be expository or integrative and not focus on original rese integrative and not focus on original research. If you write or read an appropriate  arch. If you write or read an appropriate article, please send a copy of the article article, please send a copy of the article (and possibly a few sentences describing  (and possibly a few sentences describing it) to Timothy Taylor, it) to Timothy Taylor, preferably by e-mail at  preferably by e-mail at ⟨taylort@ma⟩, or , or c/o  c/oJournal of Economic Perspectives, Macale Journal of Economic Perspectives, Macalester College, 1600 Grand Ave., Saint Paul,  ster College, 1600 Grand Ave., Saint Paul,Minneso Minnesota, 55105. ta, 55105.

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