JPubE 2013 April

书刊 · 2013-05-01




Editorial Board

Page IFC

Students today, teachers tomorrow: Identifying constraints on the provision of education

Original Research Article
Pages 1-14
Tahir Andrabi, Jishnu Das, Asim Ijaz Khwaja
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► We investigate evidence linking teacher supply to better educational outcomes. ► Presence of a girls' secondary school (GSS) increases the supply of skilled women. ► With greater supply but limited labor mobility, these women have lower wages. ► The existence of a GSS increases the probability of private school in the village. ► Public investments in girls' secondary education crowd in private capital.

A city-wide experiment on trust discrimination

Original Research Article
Pages 15-27
Armin Falk, Christian Zehnder
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► We provide field experimental evidence on trust discrimination at the city level. ► Trust varies substantially depending on the residential district of the trading partner. ► We identify economic status as the main determinant of trust discrimination. ► There is an in-group effect in trust discrimination: people trust more if their partner lives in the same district. ► The in-group effect is, at least partly, driven by more accurate beliefs about behavior of in-group members.

Small business set-asides in procurement auctions: An empirical analysis

Original Research Article
Pages 28-44
Jun Nakabayashi
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► Many governments set aside procurement contracts for small businesses. ► We examine how much set-asides increase government procurement costs. ► We find that many small businesses would exit the procurement market without set-asides. ► The resulting lack of competition would raise government procurement costs,more than offsetting production cost inefficiency.

Endogenous gentrification and housing price dynamics

Original Research Article
Pages 45-60
Veronica Guerrieri, Daniel Hartley, Erik Hurst
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► We document substantial variation in house price growth within a city. ► We develop a model that links house price growth and gentrification. ► A key ingredient in our model is individuals like to live next to richer neighbors. ► Richer neighborhoods expand at borders when positive city-wide demand shocks occur. ► We find strong empirical support for the model's predictions.

The dynamics of teacher quality

Original Research Article
Pages 61-78
Matthew Wiswall
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► Using data on North Carolina teachers, I replicate previous findings. ► I find higher returns to later career teaching experience for mathematics. ► I find twice as much dispersion in initial teacher quality as previously estimated. ► I find a pattern of negative teacher selection.

Media and polarization: Evidence from the introduction of broadcast TV in the United States

Original Research Article
Pages 79-92
Filipe R. Campante, Daniel A. Hojman
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► The introduction of broadcast TV in the US led to lower political polarization. ► The expansion of radio in the US was also correlated with depolarization. ► Two possible channels: effects on political motivation, and on ideological views ► Effect of TV is consistent with the ideology effect. ► Effect of radio is consistent with motivation effect.

National politics and international agreements

Original Research Article
Pages 93-105
Hubert Kempf, Stéphane Rossignol
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► International agreements are negotiated between elected national delegates. ► Any international agreement generates distributive effects. ► An agreement may not be reached, depending on equity rules and income distribution. ► The elections of delegates depend on intra- and international income inequalities.


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