JEP 2012 Fall

书刊 · 2012-12-16



Front Matter (pp. 1-2)
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Symposia: Contingent Valuation

From Exxon to BP: Has Some Number Become Better Than No Number? (pp. 3-26)
Catherine L. Kling, Daniel J. Phaneuf and Jinhua Zhao
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Contingent Valuation: A Practical Alternative When Prices Aren't Available (pp. 27-42)
Richard T. Carson
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Contingent Valuation: From Dubious to Hopeless (pp. 43-56)
Jerry Hausman
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Symposia: China's Economy

The End of Cheap Chinese Labor (pp. 57-74)
Hongbin Li, Lei Li, Binzhen Wu and Yanyan Xiong
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Labor Market Outcomes and Reforms in China (pp. 75-102)
Xin Meng
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Understanding China's Growth: Past, Present, and Future (pp. 103-24)
Xiaodong Zhu
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Aggregate Savings and External Imbalances in China (pp. 125-46)
Dennis Tao Yang
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How Did China Take Off? (pp. 147-70)
Yasheng Huang
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Amy Finkelstein: 2012 John Bates Clark Medalist (pp. 171-84)
Jonathan Levin and James Poterba
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Retrospectives: Irving Fisher's Appreciation and Interest (1896) and the Fisher Relation (pp. 185-96)
Robert W. Dimand and Rebeca Gomez Betancourt
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Recommendations for Further Reading (pp. 197-204)
Timothy Taylor
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Notes (pp. 205-206)
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