Journal of Public Economics 2012 Oct.目录

书刊 · 2012-06-22



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Rank as an inherent incentive: Evidence from a field experiment

Original Research Article
Pages 645-650
Anh Tran, Richard Zeckhauser


► Do people care about social rankings that bring no tangible benefits? ► Indeed, this field experiment found an inherent preference for high rank. ► Students told their rank during a course scored better on international final test. ► Result held when ranks were told privately, thus bringing no tangible benefits. ► Making rankings public further increased performance, but was insignificant.
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Redistribution and the notion of social status

Original Research Article
Pages 651-657
Ennio Bilancini, Leonardo Boncinelli


► Concerns for social status can be ordinal or cardinal. ► Social status affects the relationship between inequality and conspicuous consumption. ► When status is ordinal, more equality increases conspicuous consumption. ► Cardinal status allows for more equality to reduce conspicuous consumption. ► Cardinal status allows for more equality to be Pareto improving.
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The private provision of excludable public goods: An inefficiency result

Original Research Article
Pages 658-669
Tore Ellingsen, Elena Paltseva


► We study the private provision of excludable public goods. ► We identify an incentive to wait in order to negotiate access later. ► We demonstrate how such free-riding depends on the model’s parameters. ► We demonstrate that the argument is quite robust to alternative assumptions.
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The influence of financial status on the effectiveness of environmental enforcement

Original Research Article
Pages 670-684
Dietrich Earnhart, Kathleen Segerson


► Analyzes financial status and environmental enforcement effectiveness. ► Considers enforcement likelihood and severity and liquidity, solvency, profitability. ► Identifies theoretically optimal abatement in the presence of liquidity and bankruptcy. ► Examines empirically enforcement of wastewater limits. ► Shows theoretically and empirically more enforcement can increase pollution.
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International Environmental Agreements with mixed strategies and investment

Original Research Article
Pages 685-697
Fuhai Hong, Larry Karp


► We look at mixed strategy equilibrium in participation of a canonical IEA game. ► It reinforces a pessimistic result on participation in the literature. ► For sufficiently low abatement costs, the use of mixed strategies overturns that conclusion. ► With pure strategies, investment reducing abatement costs may be counterproductive. ► In contrast, with mixed strategies, investment leads to higher participation and welfare.
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How low business tax rates attract MNE activity: Municipality-level evidence from Germany

Original Research Article
Pages 698-711
Sascha O. Becker, Peter H. Egger, Valeria Merlo


► We analyze the location pattern of foreign firms in 11,200 German municipalities. ► We find much higher tax elasticities than those estimated from aggregate data. ► Attracting one foreign firm would be unaffordable for the average municipality. ► Business tax competition is the game of a few micro-regional units.


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