
书刊 · 2015-05-27



编者按:2015年美国经济学年会组织了专场对Thomas Piketty的《21世纪资本论》进行讨论,Weil, David、Auerbach, Alan、Kevin Hassett、Mankiw, N Gregory以及Thomas Piketty本人都提交了论文。该专场也收到了美国学界和媒体的关注,围绕此进行的讨论还在进行。2015年5月出版的《美国经济评论》以专题(A Discussion of Thomas Piketty's Capital in the Twenty-First Century)的形式刊登了该专场的几篇论文,以下是中国经济学教育科研网/经济金融网整理的文献资料:

Capital and Wealth in the Twenty-First Century

Weil, David N. 2015. "Capital and Wealth in the Twenty-First Century." American Economic Review, 105(5): 34-37.

Abstract:In Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Piketty uses the market value of tradable assets to measure both productive capital and wealth. As a measure of wealth this is problematic because it ignores the value of human capital and transfer wealth, which have grown enormously over the last 300 years. Thus the constancy of the wealth/income ratio as portrayed in his data is an illusion. Further, the types of wealth that he does not measure are more equally distributed than tradable assets. The approach also incorrectly identifies capital gains due to reduced discount rates as increases in the capital stock.

Capital Taxation in the Twenty-First Century

Auerbach, Alan J., and Kevin Hassett. 2015. "Capital Taxation in the Twenty-First Century."American Economic Review, 105(5): 38-42.

Abstract:In his influential book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, Thomas Piketty argues forcefully that rising wealth and wealth inequality is an inherent characteristic of capitalist economies and calls for strong policy responses, in particular a substantial wealth tax implemented globally. This paper takes issue with the facts, logic, and policy conclusions in Piketty's book, suggesting that the factors needed to support the inexorable rise in capital's share and concentration are lacking and that among tax policy reforms aimed at dealing with economic inequality a wealth tax finds little support either in Piketty's own work or elsewhere in the literature.

Yes, r > g. So What?

Mankiw, N Gregory. 2015. "Yes, r > g. So What?" American Economic Review, 105(5): 43-47.

Abstract :Piketty argues that r > g is the "the central contradiction of capitalism" and that it will lead to an "endless inegalitarian spiral." As a result, he argues for a new global tax on capital. In this brief essay, I explain why I am not persuaded by either his prediction or his prescription.

About Capital in the Twenty-First Century

Piketty, Thomas. 2015. "About Capital in the Twenty-First Century." American Economic Review, 105(5): 48-53.

Abstract :In this article, I present three key facts about income and wealth inequality in the long run emerging from my book, Capital in the Twenty-First Century, and seek to sharpen and refocus the discussion about those trends. In particular, I clarify the role played by r > g in my analysis of wealth inequality. I also discuss some of the implications for optimal taxation, and the relation between capital-income ratios and capital shares.



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